Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 4

A Message from our Acting Principal, Evelyn Leef

Tēnā Koutou e ngā whānau

We are aware of a disturbing clip being shared on social media showing a small number of our students involved in a fight. The content is distressing and I would urge you not to share or view the footage. It is important that, as trusted role models, we minimise the risks and potential long-term effects on our young people of exposure to confronting content online. When negative behaviour is recorded and shared, it is not only ignoring the fact that young people are getting hurt but it may also have an impact beyond those who immediately engage with it.

We have advised police and are working with Netsafe to remove the clip from sites where possible. If the clip is shared with you, you can also report the content to the social media platform provider.

Fighting is never acceptable and we are taking this matter extremely seriously. The students involved will be held accountable and will be subject to our disciplinary process.

We are deeply disappointed as this does not reflect our school values nor does it support the purpose and focus of our school re-opening of Hauora and Manaakitanga following the tremendous devastation that our communities are currently experiencing.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you believe your child has been exposed to this footage or any upsetting content online, you can see Netsafe’s information about helping young people: www.netsafe.org.nz

Thank you so much for joining with our school to protect and safeguard the wellbeing of all of our children.

'He waka eke noa'

School Bus Service

All school buses are up and running. We have no control over the GoBus service but have included this link to answer any questions you may have https://gobus.co.nz/

Noho Postponement

Unfortunately, due to the current situation in Hawke's Bay, we had to postpone our junior noho. We will be unable to reschedule these at this time, however, we hope to be able to hold these later in the year.

Swimming Sports New Date

At the current time we are trying to reschedule our Swimming Sports so that this event can still go ahead this year. We will update you in next week's pānui.

Athletics Day

Our school Athletics Day is set for Tuesday 7 March. We look forward to sharing more details with you closer to the date.

Sports Committee 2023

We are pleased to announce our 2023 Sports Committee. If you have any suggestions or requests for our Sports committee, please direct these to Ruby Schofield - scorub@hastingsgirls.com

Vanessa Carpenter 
Louise Tafaoga
Isabella Bradley
Frances Spies
Jazmyn Whiu
Caity MacDonald
Carys Deacon Penny
Nina Treneman
Ruby Schofield - Chair
Kapone Richardson-Box
Niamh Gallagher
Bianca Ching
Hosanna Peni
Tehia Taylor
Noorpreet Jalaf
Jaedyn Wilson

Performing Arts Committee 2023

We are pleased to announce our 2023 Performing Arts Committee. If you have any suggestions or requests for our Performing Arts committee, please direct these to Kendall Ah Kiong - ahkken@hastingsgirls.com

Kendall Ah Kiong - Chair
Turquoise Hawkins-Kemp
Jacinta Kereti
Milca Valoaga
Robyn Faavae
Teroro John Bosco
Juliette Veikoso
Kate Robles

School Council Applications

School Council Applications will now remain open until the 1st of March. This is the final deadline. If you have any questions about the School Council or the application process please email Noorpreet on jalnoo@hastingsgirls.com

Kapa Haka Hui

All ākonga in Kapa Haka to meet in Room 24 on Monday at lunch time at 1pm.

Year 9 & New Student photos

We will be taking our student ID photos on Tuesday 28 February for any new students who have joined our school this year. Students should go to their normal classes and their Teachers will let them know where and when to go.

Sports Updates

Senior A Netball Trials

Reminder: Trials straight after school until 5pm on Monday 27 February.


Competition commences 4pm, Tuesday 28 February.

The Div 1 competition will be held in school in the Hastings Girls' High School Gym. Trainings will be after school on Wednesdays.

At this stage the draw isn't out and will be communicated through the school notices.

Ki o rahi

At this stage Ki o rahi qualifiers are set for 4pm, Friday 3 March, at Hastings Boys' High School.

Come down and support our team on the road to Nationals.

2023 Hawke's Bay Secondary Schools Swimming Championships

Registrations close Friday 10 March.

Event will be held Tuesday 14 March at Hawke's Bay Regional Aquatic Centre.

If you have ambitions of representing our kura please complete the following expression of interest form:

2023 Hawke's Bay Swimming Championships - Expression of Interest


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