Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 6

Strike Action

The PPTA's 20,000 members throughout NZ will be striking on Thursday 16 March.  This strike action is being taken after months of failed negotiations with the Ministry of Education.  Teachers are striking for salaries increased to match inflation, more guidance staff to work with increasing numbers of rangatahi struggling with mental health and social issues, greater recognition of kaiako Māori, and effective controls on teachers' workloads. 

There are no timetabled classes on this day, however should a student require supervision we have non union staff who are available. Please contact your House Dean if required. 

Supporting your child following natural disaster

Natural disasters, such as cyclones are stressful and often traumatic. Understandably, as whānau, you may feel worried about the impact on your child. Click here for some insights that might be helpful at this difficult time.

School Physio

Our school Physio is starting back up every Thursday, 10-11am (starting next Thursday 16 March).

Appointments must be made by emailing Mrs Whelan: kayw@hastingsgirls.com or Mrs Treneman: mt@hastingsgirls.com

Swimming Sports

Our competitive Swimming Sports are this coming Tuesday 14 March. If you would like to sign up to swim please email Mrs Geary: gy@hastingsgirls.com. There will be NO signups on the day! If you are not swimming you are to be in your timetabled classes. Juniors will swim in Block 2 & Seniors in Block 3.

School Council

We are excited to announce the following girls are a part of the HGHS 2023 School Council. This year we had more applicants than we anticipated and more than we had positions for. This made the decision even harder! If you have any ideas or issues you would like the School Council to resolve, please email me, Noorpreet: jalnoo@hastingsgirls.com.

Important Dates

Monday 13 March - Career Navigator Team Building
Monday 13 March - University of Canterbury Info Session
Tuesday 14 March - University of Auckland Intro Visit
Tuesday 14 March - HGHS Swimming Sports
Tuesday 14 March - East Coast North Island Secondary School Athletics
Wednesday 15 March - Junior Netball Trials
Wednesday 15 March - Junior Ākina Group Photos
Wednesday 15 March - Victoria University Info Session
Thursday 16 March - Otago University Intro Session
Friday 17 March - Ki o Rahi CHB Exchange
Friday 17 March - Pathway to the Podium Waka Ama
Monday 20 March - Rocky Shore Trip
Tuesday 21 March - Pourerere Beach Trip - Great Outdoors Hub
Wednesday 22 March - Waikato University Intro Visit

School Calendar 

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

Click here to view the HGHS Calendar

Sports News

Senior A - Final 14 trialists have been emailed for their last trial on Monday 13 March, 3:15-5:00pm.

Seniors - Registrations in the Hall, Tuesday 14 March at lunch time.  First Senior muster is Wednesday 22 and 29 March.

Juniors - Trials Wednesday 15 March, 3:15-5:00pm

Games return to PGA from 7:30pm next week. Keep an eye out for the draw.

Congratulations on winning the Regional Championship last week !!

Job Vacancy

Recruitment Day - Tomorrow 11 March


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