Rangatahi Pānui

Term Three Week 5


A huge THANK YOU to whānau for coming along to last night's Fiafia performances.  Please keep an eye on next week's pānui for photos.  

Final Benchmark Exam Timetable

Please read the final timetable carefully as some exams have moved. Read the instructions on the timetable carefully too!


Benchmark Exam Week Study Spaces

When you are not writing an exam, you will be expected to be in your chosen study space - everyone who has signed up via the link in the last Pānui will be in their first-choice study space. If you have forgotten, there will be lists on the noticeboard at the back of the Hall, as well as in the Student Centre. If you have not signed up for a study space you must choose between the 30s and 40s blocks only. Once you have chosen a space, you must be in that space all week.

Senior Pathways Hui

On Friday 1 September our Year 10, 11, and 12 students will have the opportunity to speak with department representatives to learn about all of the senior courses available in 2024. This will be a great opportunity for them to learn about what is on offer and which courses they can choose for next year. More information will follow in next week's Pānui but save the date in the meantime!

Link to Apply for Leadership 2024

Attendance - Every day counts....

Cruisin' with Chrissy Driver Education Evening for Learners and their Whānau

On Wednesday 30 August at 5pm we will be hosting Senior Constable Chris Leppien who will present her Cruisin' with Chrissy Driver Education Evening. All are welcome as this training is designed for both learner and teacher.

Festival for the Future

In early June, Isabella Bradley, Year 12, was given a scholarship to attend the Festival for the Future which is a leadership conference. She was able to listen to heaps of amazing current leaders who talked about high performance leadership, empowering youth voices and how to make major decisions. She attended workshops and was able to engage with different agencies such as UNICEF, World Vision, and the SPCA. On the last day they were able to listen to the candidates' debate which had Nicola Willis, Marama Davidson, and Greg O'Connor and were able to hear how these parties were going to help the youth out in the upcoming election. Overall an amazing experience for Isabella and all other future leaders.

Maintaining Healthy Communities Hub Trip

This week our Healthy Communities Hub visited spaces in Heretaunga that support hauora and relationships. In the morning at Waipatu Marae we were guided around Aunty's Garden by Aunty Hanui then listened to the wonderful wahine, including Dr Aria Graham, at Mamia. Later we learned about Nourished for Nil then headed to Mitre 10 Sports Park where we were given a tour of some of the facilities by Dr Patrick Lander and connected with 2021 HGHS Head Girl, Georgia Treneman, who now studies at EIT. We ended the day having fun at Cornwall Park playground.

Aunty's Garden is a community garden where anyone can go to collect fresh kai for a koha.

Mamia wraps-around the wellbeing of new māmā and pregnant women who need support, skills, and rest. Mamia is open to all women under the tikanga of the marae and kaupapa Māori.

Nourished for Nil rescues food to prevent unnecessary waste; anyone can use this service.

Mitre 10 Sports Park has a number of free facilities for the community to use anytime including a running track and cycle skills course complete with traffic lights and road markings.

Our Junior Ākina Netball Team has made it to the Finals

Come along and support our Ākina Netball team who have made it to the finals of the Unison Super Secondary Division 2 competition.

When: 5pm, Tuesday 22 August
Where: Court 2, PGA Stadium, Taradale
Against: Karamu High School Senior A

Upcoming Sports

Netball Draw 
Saturday 19 August - Secondary School Netball at Mitre 10 Sports Park
HGHS Senior B vs SHC Senior Gold @ 11am (Court 8)
HGHS Senior C vs SHC Senior Blue @ 10am (Court 3)
HGHS Senior Social vs Iona Gold @ 11am (Court 1)
HGHS Junior 10a vs NGHS 10a2 @ 10am (Court 4)
HGHS Junior 10b vs Default
HGHS Junior 9a vs SJMG 10A  @ 11am (Court 15)
HGHS Junior 9b vs SHC 10 Gold @ 8am (Court 1)
HGHS Junior 9c vs NGHS 9 Navy @ 8am (Court 9)
HGHS Ākina vs Karamu Senior @ PGA Court 2 @5.45pm Tuesday 22 August
HGHS Senior A vs SHC Premier @ PGA Court 4@ 4.30pm Tuesday 22 August 

Hockey Draw
HGHS 1st X1 vs No game
HGHS 2nd X1 vs Karamu Junior @ 5pm Monday 22 August @Unison Stadium

Football Draw
HGHS 1st X1 vs CHBC Friendly game  @ HGHS

Basketball Draw
HGHS vs Taradale High School 

Important Dates

Monday 21 August 
- Benchmark Exams begin
Tuesday 22 August
- Studio Hub - Tour of Aubyn Live Theatre
Wednesday 23 August 
- Kāhui Ako Debating (Judging)
- Junior English Language Learners and Learning Village Students Bird Watching
Thursday 24 August
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Golf Driving Range
Friday 25 August
- Theatre in Education for Year 9, 10 & 11 students 
- L2 & 3 Te Reo Māori Hauora Symposium
Saturday 26 August
- Tournament Week kicks off
Monday 28 August 
- Tournament Week Starts
Tuesday 29 August
- Kauwaka Takitini for selected students
- Level 2 Barista Course
- Engineering Your Future Hub Trip to the Hastings Art Gallery and surrounding area
Wednesday 30 August
- Driver Education / Parent and Students Evening 5pm - 6.30pm HGHS Staffroom
Thursday 31 August
- Mahora School Cross Country helpers
Friday 1 September
- Senior Pathways Hui

School Calendar

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

School Calendar


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