Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 2

Labour Weekend

This weekend is Labour Weekend and Hawke's Bay Anniversary. School will be closed Friday 20 October and Monday 23 October. Have a safe and happy long weekend.

Study Leave

Senior students have received a 'Ticket to Study Leave' booklet. This booklet is the last step in their plan to complete all their work and achieve their NCEA this year.
Students need to have this booklet signed off by all their teachers, their Ākina Coach, and their Dean before they are granted study leave.

For those students who have their booklet signed off before Tuesday 31 October, study leave will begin on Wednesday 1 November. This means they will not be required to attend school unless they have an exam or a tutorial to prepare for exams. 

For students who have yet to complete their booklet, they will remain in school and in timetabled classes to complete their work until they meet the requirements for study leave. 

A text/email will be sent home to whānau once students have been granted study leave.

Student Leaders 2024

We are so proud to announce our 2024 Students Leaders:

Head Girl - Kendall Ah Kiong
Amorangi - Caity MacDonald
Sports Captain - Isabella Bradley
Arts Captain - Turquoise Hawkins-Kemp
Community Captain - Julie Luong
Blue House Captain - Shilah Smith
Gold House Captain - Tempryss Lauvao
Green House Captain - Gloria Singh
Purple House Captain - 'Ofa Kaufononga

Congratulations to you all.... So very well deserved!!

Senior Prize-Giving

Senior Prizegiving will be held on Tuesday 31 October in the Hall at 6.30pm. 
School will finish 12.40 that day in preparation for Prize-Giving. The Flaxmere bus will be here at 12.40pm; all other other buses will run at normal times.

Changes to Footwear for 2024

From the start of 2024, Roman sandals will no longer be part of the school uniform. Students will be required to wear plain black shoes. This change has come about due to changes to health and safety requirements in both Science and Technology, the limited life span sandals offer, and the ongoing cost for whānau. Over the next few weeks students will provide voice around their shoe preferences which will determine a range of styles available to choose from.

Hawke's Bay Sport Awards

Congratulations Mrs Geary and Ms Jensen for being recognised for their outstanding contribution and service to sport at the recent Sport Hawke's Bay Awards.

Spirit of Adventure

Adonysa Fraser-Nuku, Year 12, had the amazing opportunity of sailing for 10 days on the Spirit of Adventure. Although she was nervous to start with, she is so glad she had the opportunity and loved being taken out of her comfort zone and making new friends! It was an amazing experience and she highly recommends it!

Lunch Menu for Week 3

Important Dates

Monday 23 October
- Public Holiday - Labour Day
Tuesday 24 October
- Spirit Week begins for Year 13s
Wednesday 25 October 
- Inter House Haka Competition
- Exploring the Great Outdoors A & B Trip: Water quality/Local rivers
- HGHS BOT Meeting
Friday 27 October
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Pickleball, Sylvan Road
- House Concert GOLD
Saturday 28 October
- Te Kapa Haka O Ngā Rau Huia o Ākina - Tumu Wellness Day
Monday 30 October 
- Year 13 Formal/Informal Photo
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Pickleball Practical
Tuesday 31 October
- Year 13 Leavers Breakfast (Year 9 letters given out)
- Whole school to finish at 12.40pm for Prize-Giving preparation
- Senior Prize-Giving Rehearsal
- Senior Prize-Giving 6.30pm start
Wednesday 1 November
- Study Leave Begins
- Exploring the Great Outdoors A & B - Kaweka Lakes, Ngaruroro River study
- HSTUDIO Visit to Rautakauri Music Therapy Centre
Friday 3 November
- Te Whai Kuru Tāonga

School Calendar 

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

Link to School Calendar


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