Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 3


Due to the Senior Prizegiving being held on the evening of Tuesday 31 October, school will finish at the end of Block 2.

Prize winners may wear mufti to school on Tuesday to preserve their uniforms for the evening. It's also really important for all prize winners to attend the rehearsal on Tuesday during Block 2 in the Hall.

Prize winners need to meet the Deans at the following venues at 6pm;

Library - Level 1 & Level 2

Room 35 - Level 3

Doors open at 6pm and the prizegiving will begin at 6.30pm.

All whānau are welcome to attend.

Study Leave

Senior students have received a 'Ticket to Study Leave' booklet. This booklet is the last step in their plan to complete all their work and achieve their NCEA this year.
Students need to have this booklet signed off by all their teachers, their Ākina Coach, and their Dean before they are granted study leave.

For those students who have their booklet signed off before Tuesday 31 October, study leave will begin on Wednesday 1 November. This means they will not be required to attend school unless they have an exam or a tutorial to prepare for exams. 

For students who have yet to complete their booklet, they will remain in school and in timetabled classes to complete their work until they meet the requirements for study leave. 

A text/email will be sent home to whānau once students have been granted study leave.

Arrive on time, ready to learn

If a student arrives late, they need to sign in at the Student Centre to receive a pass, which they will need to take to class with them.

Picking up or Dropping off Students

Just a friendly reminder the bus bay in front of the school is for buses only. For pick ups and drop offs there is a second bay on the other side of the main gate. Please do not drive on to the school grounds to pick up students between 8am-9am or 2.30pm-3.30pm.

Internet for Home

Outward Bound

Over the October holidays, Isabella Bradley, Year 12, was given the opportunity to attend the Mind, Body and Soul 21-day course at Outward Bound. She challenged herself by rock climbing, sailing, kayaking and going on tramps and she was challenged both mentally and physically, facing her fears and stepping into the unknown. She encourages anyone who is given this opportunity to take it because you are going to make memories for life!

Blake Inspire

In August of this year Noopreet Jalaf, Year 13, was fortunate enough to attend BLAKE Inspire in Auckland. BLAKE Inspire is a week-long residential environmental leadership camp which is in partnership with the Ministry for the Environment. We were fortunate enough to be staying in AUT Millennium during the week. Noorpreet loved the opportunity to learn more about our environment and how to help it through Leadership.

BMX North Island Titles

Congratulations Renae Coleman-Savage, Year 12, who recently earned a third placing in the BMX North Island Titles U23 Women's class. Awesome effort Renae!

Menu for Week 4

Important Dates

Monday 30 October 
- Year 13 Formal/Informal Photo
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Pickleball Practical
Tuesday 31 October
- Year 13 Leavers Breakfast (Year 9 letters given out)
- Whole school to finish at 12.40pm for Prize-Giving preparation
- Senior Prize-Giving Rehearsal
- Senior Prize-Giving 6.30pm start
Wednesday 1 November
- Study Leave Begins
- Exploring the Great Outdoors A & B - Kaweka Lakes, Ngaruroro River study
- HSTUDIO Visit to Rautakauri Music Therapy Centre
Friday 3 November
- Te Whai Kuru Tāonga
Monday 6 November
- NCEA External Exams Starts
- Gisborne Girls High School Junior Exchange
Thursday 9 November
- HSTUDIO Visit to Rautakauri Music Therapy Centre
Friday 10 November
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Pickleball Sylvan Road

School Calendar

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

Link to School Calendar


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