Rangatahi Pānui

Farewell Year 13s

NCEA Exam Information

Good luck to all of our Senior Students writing exams over the next few weeks!

It is important that students know when their exams are, arrive 30 minutes before the start of the exam and have their Exam Admission Slip with them (Mr Pera has these if you did not get them from your Ākina Coach).

Students are to meet each day in the outside area between the 20s and 30s Blocks or in the Hall foyer if it's raining.

Please contact Mr Pera (pe@hastingsgirls.com) if you have any issues or concerns or think that you may miss an exam you intended to write.

Check this website for tips, tricks and up-to-date information:
NZQA Student Assessment Hub

Senior Exam Tutorials

We encourage students to make the most of our study tutorials ahead of their exams. We ask that when Seniors are coming to school, they come in full school uniform and sign in and out at the Student Centre. Students on study leave are welcome to use T1 as a study space (this is the only space available).

Timetable Changes

Due exams from Thursday 9 November the timetable will change. Ākina time will move to the start of the day, for juniors this is the only change. Senior students who are not yet on study leave will now be timetabled into Kāhui study spaces. They should make the most of the first three days of next week, in their normally timetabled classes to ensure they get as much work done as possible, whilst they are with their teachers.

Junior Sports Exchange with Gisborne Girls' High School - Monday 6 November

In 2021 our Head of Physical Education and sports extraordinaire Katie Geary along with then Sports Captain Holly Barclay arranged our first Gisborne Girls' High Junior School Sports Exchange and we are looking forward to reuniting this coming Monday.

Basketball, Ki o Rahi and Volleyball games will be held during school and our Junior teams are looking forward competing but most of all strengthening the ties between our two kura.

HGHS vs GGHS Basketball @ 12.10pm in the gym

HGHS vs GGHS Ki o Rahi @ 12.50pm on the field

HGHS vs GGHS Volleyball @ 12.50pm in the gym

Please can all players meet in the gym for Pōwhiri at 11:00am.

Maker Impact Market

Come along next Thursday and see the range of products on offer at the first ever Design and Enterprise Maker Impact Market!

Sports Uniform Return

Return your sports uniform to the main office before Thursday 30 November and go in the draw to win one of two $50 Rebel Sports Vouchers.

Menu for Week 5

Important Dates

Monday 6 November
- NCEA External Exams Starts
- Gisborne Girls' High School Junior Sports Exchange
Tuesday 7 November
- Ngā Rau Huia o Te Ao Haka me Te Whai - Mahi Pounamu
Thursday 9 November
- HSTUDIO Visit to Rautakauri Music Therapy Centre
Friday 10 November
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Pickleball, Sylvan Road
Monday 13 November
- Teacher Only Day
- NCEA External Exams continue
Tuesday 14 November
- Hub Whānau BBQ and Teacher Catch-up
Friday 17 November
- Big Day Out

School Calendar

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

School Calendar Link


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