Rangatahi Pānui

Week 3 - Monday 12 February

All students return to school on full timetable. Please be on time as Block 1 starts at 8.30am.

Hawke's Bay Together 14 February

To show solidarity and support for our community students and staff can wear black & white to school on Wednesday 14 February. We ask students to wear appropriate clothing for school, ie. no gumboots or midriffs, etc.

KAMAR Parent Portal

The KAMAR Parent Portal enables you to keep up-to-date with what is happening at school such as: Daily student notices, student timetables, student school account info, lists of the groups/activities students have joined, NCEA Summaries, a record of academic achievements in the current year, a record of all academic results and written reports.

The portal can be accessed by clicking Kamar Login at the bottom of the home page of the HGHS website at www.hastingsgirls.com. Each account has a unique password to ensure protection of the private information available through the portal. The login details for each student have been emailed to their caregiver. Please keep these details somewhere secure. If you have trouble logging in please contact the school office.

School Docs

We use School Docs to manage our school policies and procedures. Visit our HGHS BOT page on the school website to access our School Docs. At any time, members of the school community can send general feedback on a topic/policy to the school by clicking the green feedback button at the top right of homepage.

To login please use the following information:

username: hastingsgirls
password: huia

HGHS Survey

Next week you will be sent a survey inviting feedback for our kura. We encourage you to take the time to complete this to help with our planning.

2024 School Production

This year Hastings Girls' High School has chosen to perform the one act play Darklight by Lindsay Price. 

Darklight examines depression and anxiety in teens. Characters fight their inner thoughts, search for their truths, and have surreal conversations with death. Some fail, some find hope.

This is a relevant and necessary issue to explore. Whaea Rose (Guidance Counselor) and Catherine Bentley (Principal) are supportive of the decision to stage this play. 

If you are interested in being part of this special school event, register your interest and choose an audition time in the link below. 

Please contact Mrs Ferguson with any questions regarding the 2024 school production. 

Auditions will be held next week: Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th, Friday 16th February. 

Rehearsals will begin Wednesday 21 February. 

Sign Up at the Student Centre or use the link below:
Sign Up Link

Performing Arts Cultural Group Sign-ups

Please see below a list of Performing Arts Groups available for students to express interest in. Students can use the below links or sign up at the Student Centre.

Reminder of Changes to Footwear

Sports News

Netball Trials 2024

Junior Netball Trials this coming Monday 12 February.

Link to Register

Summer Hockey

Senior Volleyball Trials

Senior Volleyball Competition kicks off Tuesday 20 February. Please register for trials on the following link and remember to dress appropriately and to bring a water bottle.

See you there!

Senior Volleyball Registration

Lunch Menu for Week 3

Uniform Shop Hours

School Calendar

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below

School Calendar Link

Important Dates

Monday 12 February
- All students at school, normal timetable
- School Assembly
- Student Leader Photos
- Junior Netball Trials
- Waikato University Experience Visit
Wednesday 14 February
- Hawke's Bay Together - show solidarity and support our community by wearing     black and white
- House Assembly 
- Level 3 PE to marshal for the Weetbix TRYathlon
Friday 16 February 
- Trades Academy Pōwhiri 
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Hub A & B - Waipatiki and Clifton Beach Exploration    Day
Monday 19 February
- Hawke's Bay Opera Trip, Romeo + Juliet
- Junior LOMAS & e-asTTle Testing
- School Assembly
Wednesday 21 February
- Pōwhiri Practice
- House Assembly
- HGHS BOT Meeting


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