Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 6

Athletics Day 2024 winners

2nd Purple
3rd Gold
4th Green

Senior Engagement Evening

On Thursday 14 March we are holding the Senior Engagement Evening from 4-6pm. All whānau and caregivers are invited to join us in the Hall to meet your students' teachers and discuss their learning for the year. It is also an opportunity to discuss the Senior Effort Reports that have been sent home. There will also be information on NCEA and the changes that have occurred this year.

Early Finish this Thursday

This Thursday 14 March we are holding the Senior Engagement Evening from 4-6pm. All whānau and caregivers are invited to join us in the Hall to meet your students' teachers and discuss their learning for the year. It is also an opportunity to discuss the Senior Effort Reports that have been sent home. There will also be information on NCEA and the changes that have occurred this year.

School will finish at 1pm, students will be served food at interval. The Flaxmere Bus will leave school at 1.30pm and all other buses will run at their usual time. The Library will remain open for all other bus students staying until 3pm.

Term 1 Senior Effort Reports

On Friday you will have received the Term 1 Senior Effort Reports by email if you have a student in Years 11-13. If you have not received this report, can you please check your spam folder and if it is still not there, please email Rob Orr at or@hastingsgirls.com and we will update your email address and send out the report.

HPOD Surf Lessons

The Pathway to the Podium Hub will be having a surf lesson out at Waimārama with Ms Macdonald on Wednesday 13 March.

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

University of Canterbury             Monday 11 March            11.15am
Waikato University                        Wednesday 13 March    11.15am
Queenstown Resort College      Tuesday 19 March           1.45am
Otago University                            Thursday 2 May               9.30am
AUT                                                    Monday 27 May               11am         

Downer Toa Takitini Programme

We are very lucky to have five akōnga on the Downer Toa Takitini Programme. This is an 18-month programme that puts students through their driving licences to enable them to be fully licenced by the time they get into the workforce. Last year our students all gained their learners licence and have had driving lessons provided over the last few months. They are now ready to sit their restricted licences. This Thursday they attended a day wānanga that covered basic car maintenance and road safety.

Dingle Foundation - Career Navigator Programme

This week 20 Year 12 and 13 students had the opportunity to attend an introduction session and sign up for the Career Navigator programme. This programme is for students who are unsure of what they might like to do when they leave school. The students attend 9 sessions throughout the year and get matched with mentors, go on workplace visits, and learn employability and interviewing skills through lots of fun activities.

Poho Kahu kōhine mā

Senior Volleyball A were undefeated over the weekend bringing home Secondary School's Open Tournament Shied. On the road to Nationals, their next tournament is Saturday 9 March where they play for seedings.

Nunui te mihi ki ō rātou kaiawhina, Ko Francis, Ko Blossom rātou ko Rachel.

Menu for Week 7

School Calendar

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below.
School Calendar Link

Important Dates

Monday 11 March
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Hub A & B - Pourerere Tides and Rock Pool Visit
- School Assembly 
- University of Canterbury School Visit
Tuesday 12 March
- Final Junior Netball Trial
Wednesday 13 March
- 3PE Training
- House Assembly
- Waikato University School Visit
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Surfing Lesson
Thursday 14 March
- Term 1 Senior Engagement Evening
Friday 15 March
- NZSS Summer Tournament Week
- NZSS Basketball 3x3 Championships - Central
Sunday 17 March
- NZSS Senior Volleyball
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monday 18 March
- Driving Presentation by Constable Chris for Senior students
- School Assembly
Tuesday 19 March
- Queenstown Resort College Careers Presentation
Wednesday 20 March
- House Assembly
- HGHS BOT Meeting
Thursday 21 March
- Samoan Aiga Hui (Seniors)


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