Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 7

Endorsement Assembly

He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa i tutuki i ngā taumata teitei i roto i te mātauranga. 

During Monday’s Assembly, we celebrated ākonga who completed their NCEA level with Merit and Excellence endorsement due to their hard work, determination, and perseverance in 2023.

Merit Endorsement: Acknowledges ākonga who gained 50+ Merit credits throughout the year.

Excellence Endorsement: Acknowledges ākonga who gained 50+ Excellence credits throughout the year.

Kei runga noa atu koutou! Well done and congratulations!

Check Out these New Guides to NCEA!

Remember to see Mr Pera if you have any questions or concerns about NCEA.

Pourerere Tides and Rock Pool Trip

The two Great Outdoors Hubs recently visited Pourerere Beach. While exploring, our girls patiently observed the rock pools, finding and identifying lots of interesting wildlife including kina, paua, hermit crabs, sea stars and even octopuses. At the end of the day, the only thing we left behind was our footsteps and beach art....


Level 3 Kete have been learning about buying cars this week including how to change a tyre and check the oil and water. Thanks to our School Gardener, Jason, for your expertise.

Summer Tournament Week

Our Senior 3x3 Basketball, Volleyball and Waka teams head away today to compete in the National Secondary Schools tournaments. Watch this space ! 

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

Queenstown Resort College

Tuesday 19 March



Otago University

Thursday 2 May




Monday 27 May



Menu for Week 8

School Calendar

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below.
School Calendar

Important Dates

Sunday 17 March
 - NZSS Senior Volleyball
Monday 18 March
- Summer Sports Tournament Week
- Level 2/3 Ocean Swim
- School Assembly
Tuesday 19 March
- Queenstown Resort College Careers Presentation
Wednesday 20 March
- House Assembly
- HGHS BOT Meeting
Thursday 21 March
- Samoan Aiga Hui (Seniors)
Friday 22 March
- Level 2/3 OUT River Safety 2
Monday 25 March
- Level 2/3 OUT Ocean Swim
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 26 March
- Open Evening 2024 
- Whakapiki Ake Visit
Wednesday 27 March
- HOUT Waimārama Overnight Culminating Event
- 3PE Training
- House Assembly 
Thursday 28 March
- HOUT Waimārama Overnight Culminating Event
Friday 29 March
- NZSS Waka Ama
- Easter Friday - No school


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