Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 8

Open Evening

Next Tuesday 26 March is our Open Evening. School will finish at 1pm.  
Morning Tea will be provided as normal.  There will be no lunch service.
The Flaxmere Bus will leave at 1.15pm and all other buses will leave at the usual time.
All bus students remaining at school until 3pm need to report to the Student Centre.

All student helpers and performers for Open Evening are not to remain onsite unless they are waiting to catch a bus.  


Tickets are still available  https://www.hastingsgirls.com/darklight/

Surf's Up!

Last Wednesday the Pathway to the Podium Hub went out to Waimārama Beach for a surf lesson with Miss Macdonald. We were so lucky to have great conditions. Students had a ball learning to surf and it was great to see most of the girls get up on the board and have a good time. Thanks to Miss Macdonald for her expertise and for Sammie helping out on the day. 

Marching National Championships in Hamilton

Aurora Ivamy, Year 12, marches in our under 18 team. On Friday 8 March they performed competing against 12 teams for qualifying and qualified to march in the Championship section which is made up of the top 6 teams in each grade. On Saturday 9 March they competed in this competition with outstanding performances and won 2nd Technical, 1st Display and 2nd Overall Champion Under 18 NZ Team. They are also current Hawke's Bay Champions. We are so proud of how hard all the girls worked this past season. Learning a new display which encompassed learning a drill rifle.

Sports Update

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

Victoria University Pasifika Liaison - Thursday 28 March - 9.45am
Otago University - Thursday 2 May - 1.45pm - Library
AUT - Monday 27 May - 11am - Library

Menu for Week 9

School Calendar

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below.
School Calendar Link

Important Dates

Monday 25 March
- Level 2/3 OUT Ocean Swim
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 26 March
- Open Evening 2024 
- Whakapiki Ake Visit
Wednesday 27 March
- HOUT Waimārama Overnight Culminating Event
- 3PE Training
- House Assembly 
Thursday 28 March
- HOUT Waimārama Overnight Culminating Event
Friday 29 March
- NZSS Waka Ama
- Easter Friday - No school
Monday 1 April
- Easter Monday - No school
Tuesday 2 April
- Easter Tuesday - No school
Wednesday 3 April
- Year 9/10 Rugby/Netball Switch 
Thursday 4 April 
- Level 1 PE Assessment 
Friday 5 April
- House Assembly - Haka Comp
- Level 2/3 Ocean Swim


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