Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 10

Cellphone Free between 8am and 3pm

Our students have managed the change in our cellphone policy extremely well. It is wonderful to see students engaging with each other in positive and healthy interactions without the distraction of personal devices. Thank you for your support with our new cellphone free process. Just a reminder, if your student feels unwell during the school day, the process is for them to make their way to the Student Centre where our administration team will be able to contact home for the student or arrange for them to see the School Nurse.

Wearing our Uniform with Pride

We would like to thank students and whānau for supporting our high standard of uniform. Ahead of the winter months, we encourage you to ensure you have the correct layers of warmth so we can maintain the fabulous start we have made to the year.

Period Products - stock up for the holidays

REMINDER - We have period products available for all students at the Student Centre. With holidays fast approaching, we encourage you to stock up in preparation.

UShop Hours Term 2

With cooler months fast approaching, make the most of the Uniform Shop opening hours to ensure your student has the correct layers of warm clothes.

School Calendar

Please keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below
School Calendar Link

Important Dates

Monday 8 April
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 9 April
- Otago Mathematics Competition
Wednesday 10 April
- Level 1 Physical Education Camp - Tutira
- Pānui Mai Training and Visit to Frimley
Thursday 11 April
- School Production - Matinee & Evening Show
- Service IQ Tutorial
Friday 12 April
- Basketball Nationals
- School Production 
- Last Day of Term
Term 2 Week One
Monday 29 April
- ANZAC Assembly 
Tuesday 30 April
- The Ugly Shakespeare Company - Show & Workshop
Wednesday 1 May
- Project Prima Volta Visit
- House Assembly
Thursday 2 May
- Otago University School Visit


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