Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 11

Anzac Assembly

On Monday 29 April we will be holding a special ANZAC Assembly for anyone who would like to attend. The Assembly starts at 12.30pm in the Hall and will conclude at around 1pm.


Thank you to all the students who performed in the school production of Darklight and special thanks to Mrs Ferguson who directed the show.

Interschool Senior Debating

Hastings Girls' High School - Ngā Tau Huia o Ākina hosted one of the first rounds of senior debating yesterday. We hosted teams from both Karamū High School and Hastings Boys' High School with the moot of the first debates prepared being "This house believes that every citizen of New Zealand should be entitled to a basic income regardless of employment status".

The debates were of a high quality given that teams had a few weeks to prepare. Our students competed against Karamū Year 13s and were affirming. For a new team, they were unlucky with Karamū creating strong arguments against the moot on this debate. Second debates of the day were limited prep so teams only had 30 minutes to prepare for the moot which was "This house believes governments should prioritise space exploration over solving issues on Earth". This debate saw our students up against Karamū Year 12s and we were negating with Karamū beating our team by just 4 points.

Our senior team should be commended taking on this challenge as it's not easy and these tough match-ups against some good teams will build our confidence and skills moving forward. Well done to Maia, Annah, Ocean and Mennat, our senior debating team for 2024!

Outdoors Hub Camp Waimārama

The two Exploring the Great Outdoors Hubs spent two days at Waimārama to finish off the term's focus on Te Tātahi - The Beach. The students had to set up camp, cook dinner and survive a wee storm during the night. Whilst on the beach we explored the Waimārama Surf Lifesaving Club and spent time up the Lifeguard Tower identifying rips and the different types of waves. In doing this, they were able to locate a safe place for us to swim. 

3x3 Basketball Nationals

Good luck to Te Raukura Harris, Charlotte Tuliau, Nadia de Thierry and Maieke Thompson for tomorrow's Basketball games. We will keep everyone updated on how they do via our Facebook page.

Uniform Shop Information

Please note: The UShop is open on Thursday 18 April & Saturday 20 April, 10am-1pm.

Lincoln University Visit

School Calendar

Please keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below
School Calendar

Important Dates Term 2

Monday 29 April
- ANZAC Assembly 
Tuesday 30 April
- The Ugly Shakespeare Company - Show & Workshop
- Victoria University Pacific Future Student Advisor Visit
Wednesday 1 May
- Project Prima Volta Visit
- House Assembly
- Pathway to the Podium Hub - Boxing "Giants"
- Project Prima Volta Visit for students interested
Thursday 2 May
- Otago University School Visit
Friday 3 May
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Hub Rāranga Day
Monday 6 May
- Senior Outdoor Education Class Expedition - Bay of Islands (all week)
- ERO Visit
- Junior Reports Generated
- MVTP Careers Programme
- School Assembly
Wednesday 8 May
- House Assembly - Haka Competition
- Pathway to the Podium Gym Visit
Thursday 9 May
- Te Mata Peak Trip - Senior English Language Class


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