News ~ Pānui

Term Two Week 2

Junior Reports

Junior reports will be emailed home early next week. This is an opportunity to sit down with your ākonga and discuss how their school year has started.

Teacher Only Day

School will be closed on Wednesday 15 May for Teacher Only Day in line with our Paid Union Meeting (PUM) which all teachers are required to attend.

Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day is next Friday 17 May. This is in support of anti-bullying. If you choose to wear pink on the day please bring a gold coin donation (proceeds to the Mental Health Foundation) otherwise please wear full school uniform.

Te Pūkenga (MVTP)

Our Te Pūkenga (MVTP) students visited Hawke's Bay Airport on Wednesday to explore the wide range of employment opportunities available.

Lunch Menu - Week 3

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

Waikato Scholarship Planning     Friday 17 May                 11.15am      Library
Uni of Waikato Business                 Wednesday 22 May     12pm         Library
AUT                                                          Monday 27 May            11am          Library
HB Careers Expo                                 Tuesday 28 May            9.30am    PGA
PIHMS(Pacific Int Hotel School)   Thursday 30 May          9.45am    Library
StudyLink                                              Thursday 30 May          1.45pm     Library
Futureopoly (Year 11)                         Wednesday 5 June      9am         HB Showgrounds
EIT Info & Enrolment Day                Thursday 13 June         9am          EIT Campus
Waikato Uni Course Planning       Monday 12 August       11.15am     Library
Uni of Canterbury                              Tuesday 13 August       9.45am    Library

EIT Information and Enrolment Day

Join an Enviroment Committee

School Calendar

Please keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below
Link to School Calendar

Important Dates

Monday 13 May
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- MELLA Class Te Mata Peak Trip
- School Assembly
Tuesday 14 May
- Level 3 Physical Education Trip to Rotorua
 Wednesday 15 May
Thursday 16 May
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
Friday 17 May 
- Pink Shirt Day
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- Pathway to the Podium Boxing - Giants (Sports Park)
- Studio Hub - Tiki Taane Show, Toitoi
Monday 20 May
- Numeracy & Literacy Co-requisite Common Assessments
- Senior Reports Generated
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 21 May
- Ākina Group Photos
Wednesday 22 May
- Waikato Exchange - HGHS to visit Waikato Diocesan
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak training walk
- House Assembly 
- Waikato University Business Faculty
Thursday 23 May
- StudyLink Advisor Visit
Friday 24 May
- House Concert - Purple


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