News ~ Pānui

Term Two Week 4

Senior Reports & Whānau Hui/Parent Teacher Interviews 

On Thursday 30 May we will be holding our Senior Whānau Hui from 3.30-6.15pm.

This is an opportunity to come to the School Hall to meet your student's teachers and discuss their progress towards their academic goals and NCEA this year. You will receive a report on Friday 24 May that will summarise your student's effort so far this year and results in their classes.  If you have any questions please contact Mr Orr or@hastingsgirls.com

Please book a time to meet your student's teachers by going to:


You may also ring the school office on (06) 873 1133 or book by getting in touch with your student's Ākina Coach.

You can also attend without a booking but priority will be given to those who have booked a time.

There may be some translators available in Samoan and Punjabi. More information to follow.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi

Board of Trustees - Policies Review - Term 2, 2024

The Board of Trustees manages its policies via School Docs. Each term some policies are reviewed.

This term the policies being reviewed are:

Employer Responsibility Policy, Equal Employment Opportunities, Teacher Relief Cover, Safety Checking, Police Vetting, Classroom Release Time/Timetable. (These will have a blue Review button.)

To contribute to the review:

  • Visit the website https://hastingsgirls.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm

  • Enter the username (hastingsgirls) and password (huia).

  • Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.

  • Read the policy.

  • Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.

  • Select the reviewer type.

  • Enter your name (optional).

  • Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.

  • Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.

Reviews are open to the board, staff, students, and the school community (parents/caregivers/whānau). Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a review button. If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

Pink Shirt Day

By taking part in Pink Shirt Day last Friday, you did your part to eliminate bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusion. We raised $289.60 for the Mental Health Foundation!

Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora!

Waikato Diocesan Exchange

This week our Senior Māori class travelled to Hamilton for our 3rd annual exchange with Waikato Diocesan in-line with the University of Waikato Open Day. 

We were privileged to spend time in Raglan and learn about the hītori of the local area while traveling Whaingaroa Harbour via Kayak. Our ākonga worked with our Dio whānau on some activities and led the delivery of those activities with Year 3 & 4 students at Raglan Area School. 

Our last day was spent exploring potential future opportunities at the Waikato University Open Day. 

A great experience for all of our ākonga. 
He mihi nui ki a koutou te whānau o Te Kura Pīhopatanga o Waikato i tō manaaki me tō aroha ki a mātou. 

Level 3 PE Trip to Rotorua

Last week the Level 3 PE class went to Rotorua. Conquering fears while analysing safety and leadership in exhilarating activities was a great experience. Rafting and zip lining over waterfalls definitely got the adrenaline pumping, while traversing through native bush allows for a deeper connection with nature. Exploring a geothermal valley sounds fascinating, and being mesmerised by the Redwoods Nightlights was a magical experience. The five days away not only provided physical challenges but also opportunities for personal growth and appreciation of our beautiful country.

Studio Hub trip to a Tiki Taane Concert

Last Friday the Studio Hub were lucky enough to go to Toitoi and experience Mai Te Uira - a music experience where acclaimed musician Tiki Taane created music tracks right there, in the moment, with digital representations by artist Kereama Taepa. Our students had a ball and were stoked to get a photo with Tiki himself. @tikitaane

English Language Learners Trip

In Term 2, students/ākonga in the senior English Language classes will be learning about emergencies and natural disasters. Since Te Mata Peak was formed due to the tectonic plates shifting (and possibly causing earthquakes), last week both of our intermediate and advanced classes visited Te Mata o Rongokako to make observations and soak up the beautiful view from the top!

The U Shop Hours 

Upcoming Sports

Netball Draw 25 May
HGHS Senior B    vs NGHS 12A1                             8am                Court 13
HGHS Senior Tui vs Karamu Hikurangi              11am               Court 14
HGHS Kahu          vs Woodford Jnr Prem           9am                Court 7
HGHS Huia           vs SJMGC 10a                            9am                Court 10
HGHS Korimako  vs SJMGC                                   9am                Court 12
HGHS Junior Kiwi vs Woodford House Jnr Silver  8am          Court 10

Netball Tuesday 28 May
5:30pm PGA Senior vs CHBC Senior Premier
5:30pm PGA Ākina vs Iona College Premier

Basketball Monday 27 May
6pm Hastings Sports Centre - HGHS Juniors vs KHS Junior Girls
7pm Hastings Sports Centre - HGHS Seniors vs Hastings Boys High School

Football Wednesday 29 May
4pm - Marewa Field 2 vs Napier Girls HS Development

Badminton Thursday 30 May
HGHS B1  vs CHB B2   @ HNHS 2
HGHS C1  vs HGHS C2 @ HGHS 1
HGHS D1  vs SHC D4   @ HGHS 3
HGHS D2  vs SHC D3  @NGHS 2
HGHS D3  vs BYE 
HGHS D4  vs Karamu D3 @ Karamu 3

Lunch Menu - Week 5

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

AUT                                                          Monday 27 May            11am          Library
HB Careers Expo                                 Tuesday 28 May            9.30am    PGA
PIHMS(Pacific Int Hotel School)   Thursday 30 May          9.45am    Library
Futureopoly (Year 11)                         Wednesday 5 June      9am         HB Showgrounds
EIT Info & Enrolment Day                Thursday 13 June         9am          EIT Campus
Waikato Uni Course Planning       Monday 12 August       11.15am     Library
Uni of Canterbury                              Tuesday 13 August       9.45am    Library

Important Dates

Monday 27 May
- Numeracy & Literacy Co-requisite Common Assessments - All week
- Samoan Language Week
- School Assembly
- AUT Presentation 
- MVTP Class Careers Programme
- Vaiaso of the Gagana Samoa: 'Ava Ceremony in the Hall
Tuesday 28 May
- NZ Careers Expo
- Vaiaso of the Gagana Samoa: Handicraft Demonstrations
Wednesday 29 May
- House Assembly
- Kaitiakitanga - He Korowai (Wananga)
- Vaiaso of the Gagana Samoa: Cultural Activities
Thursday 30 May
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- PIHMS (Pacific International Hotel School) Presentation
- Puhoro STEMM Academy Wānanga
- Senior Whānau Hui
- Student Leaders Breakfast at Boys' High
- StudyLink
- Vaiaso of the Gagana Samoa: Traditional Food Preparation
Friday 31 May
- State Schools Netball Tournament - Hawke's Bay
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- Pathway to the Podium - Boxing at Giants (Sports Park)
- Vaiaso of the Gagana Samoa: Sport Selected Samoan Classes
- Young Enterprise (YES) Business Pitch by Level 2 and Level 3
Monday 3 June
- King's Birthday - No School
Tuesday 4 June
- Teacher Only Day - No School
Wednesday 5 June
- Out on the Shelves Activities in the Library
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- Futureopoly Careers Event
- House Assembly 
Friday 7 June
- House Concert - GOLD
- Ngā Manu Kōrero Regional Competition


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