Learning Korero

We have had an exciting start to the year with our learning, in particular with the development of our rich, local Junior Curriculum. Our Junior girls are having a variety of education outside the classroom experiences designed around their learning and are enjoying the new technology and performing arts hubs. 

As a staff we are focused on the continued improvement of literacy and numeracy skills and we are thrilled to have 150 hours of in-school professional development in both areas with teachers and students. Our senior girls' are well into their NCEA courses now and internals. We know that the girls will do their best if we all, teachers, students and whanau, work together. 

Please do contact your daughter's teachers, if you have any concerns or would like to know how you can support her. It is important that she is at school ready to learn and makes use of the library and other resources available to her. 

Mrs Kelsey, Assistant Principal, Special Programmes


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