The school needs you to step forward

We need your nominations

On 10 May, we will be calling for nominations for members of our community to join the Hastings Girls' High School Board of Trustees. The nominations close shortly after on 24 May, so that voting can begin, close and the Board can take office again by 14 June.

We want to invite all members of our wider community to consider joining our school Board of Trustees, and adding measurable value to our students as we grow resilient, strong, confident and connected life-long learners.

Both parents and people from throughout the wider community can be school trustees. It is important that our board represent the diversity of our school communities to ensure a bright future for all our children. 

The trustee elections give the parents of our children the opportunity to vote for candidates who will make a positive difference for all our students at our school. It is an important responsibility, and all eligible parents should use their vote in an informed way.

Trustees are: Active leaders in our schools; We need more people willing to use their skills and experiences for the benefit of our students 

Trustees have: An important role of supporting strong professional leadership and ensuring effective teaching for all students through informed governance.

For more information please call 06 873 1133 or email admin@hastingsgirls.com

What is a school board of trustees?

Every state and state-integrated school in New Zealand has a board of trustees. Boards bring families, communities and schools together to work for a quality education for our children.

The board of trustees is a Crown entity. It is the employer of all school staff and sets the school's overall strategic direction. The school's principal is the board's 'chief executive' and manages the school operations in line with the board's policies.

Who can become a trustee?

The membership of the school board includes elected parent representatives, an elected staff representative and the principal. As we care for students Year 9 and above, the board also includes a student representative.

What does a board do?

Each school board of trustees has a very important role in making sure every child at their school is able to reach their highest possible standard in educational achievement. If you want to know more about the role of the board, view here.

Here are some of the things boards do:

  • Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community
  • Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school
  • Monitor progress and inform parents on how the school is progressing against its annual targets and on the development of the students
  • Decide how the school's funding will be spent
  • Select the school's principal and support the development of all staff
  • Ensure the school is a physically and emotionally safe place for all students and staff, and is inclusive of and caters for students with differing needs
  • Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.

​What sort of skills do trustees need?

Trustees are active leaders in their schools and need a balance of skills and experiences. They need to work well in a team, be able to put plans in place for the school's future, ask challenging questions and have good communication skills. It helps to have strong links to one or several of the school's communities, as well as an understanding of financial matters and the education sector, and experience in managing people.

​How do I become a trustee?

You are welcome to come along on Wednesday 17 April, to see how a Board meeting works. The board chair or any other board member can also answer questions about what the board does. 

You can contact the school if you want to find out about standing for election, nominating someone else or voting in the election - we will be happy to help.

"Board members are entrusted by the community to ensure the success of our schools and a bright future for our children. We need an education system where all children are expected to succeed and one where we all take shared responsibility in ensuring this happens. As a member of a school board you can make things happen - you can make a difference." 

Lorraine Kerr, NZSTA President


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