University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

On the 8th of April, 2019, a group of 9 girls performed a Shakespeare drama piece at the MTG theatre for the annual University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Regional Festival. 

The Sheila Winn Festival is a night where schools perform both teacher directed and student directed Shakespeare drama pieces. The language has to stay true to the original play but the pieces can be set anywhere and in any time. 

Hastings Girls’ entered two pieces in the festival this year. The teacher directed piece was from King Lear and the performers were Grace Duly, Jennifer McMahon, Anna Gilmour, Jazmyn Taber-Holdsworth, Kataraina Te Whaiti, Millie Haszard, Olivia Omur-Mackenzie, Ruth Prasad and Sarah McMahon. We also entered a student directed piece from Antony and Cleopatra which was directed and performed by Year 12 students Kataraina Te Whaiti and Anna Gilmour. 

Rehearsals took place during term 1 and the students worked hard to perfect their piece and create something they were proud of. The students said it was a great experience and that the atmosphere was electric and gave off such a positive vibe.

“It was great to be involved with a project that allowed me to be around other people who shared the same passion for drama.” - Millie Haszard


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