Student Voice: Jennifer McMahon

Year 13 / Community Liaison Captain

Hastings Girls' High School is a great fit for me as I’ve been able to be involved in a large number of extra-curricular activities. These opportunities enabled me to learn more about who I am as a person, what I enjoy and where my passions will lead. 

Over the five years of education at HGHS, I have participated in Year 9 G.A.T.E, School Council, debating, choir, the 2017 school production of ‘Oliver’, Sheilah Winn Shakespeare comps, speech competitions, cricket, tennis, the Young Enterprise Scheme, science fair, badminton and hockey (including hockey tournament). I have also had tuition for keyboard, singing, violin and the piano. In addition to these activities, I also participate every year in house events such as swimming sports and athletics. This year I have been selected as the Community, Environmental and Volunteering Liaison for HGHS, a role that includes finding events for the students to participate in and of course being part of the event myself. There’s probably more that I’ll remember after writing this!

There are so many opportunities to be involved at HGHS and there is always something for everyone. I’m someone who is interested in a wide range of activities and I've met so many like-minded people who shared similar interests through the various groups I’ve joined. I have learnt so much about others and myself, and because of this I am more confident and outgoing. I see so many people in the hallways that I recognise from the activities I’ve been involved in and it’s always such a great feeling to be able to say ‘hi’ and know so many different people from a range of year levels. 

I definitely recommend being involved in at least one extracurricular activity at HGHS as it creates memorable experiences and the opportunity to meet new people. 


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