Student Voice: Maraea Tuavera

Head Girl

Kia ora, ko Maraea Tuavera toku ingoa. 

As I near the end of my fifth year here at Hastings Girls’ High School I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on my high school experience. HGHS is an environment that has allowed me to grow and prosper in many different aspects, especially that of leadership. I’m proud to have attended a kura that is so diverse and takes pride in participation and success in areas such as culture, sport, academics and our other offered opportunities. It is also immensely rewarding to be surrounded by those that truly care about your achievements and celebrate your successes alongside you. The main thing I have learnt at HGHS and something that I will always carry with me, is the significance of whanaungatanga - I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I have without the support of whānau, friends and our great staff. 

He waka eke noa.


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