Student Voice: Jordan Mou

Student Council Chair and Board of Trustees Student Rep

I have thoroughly enjoyed attending Hastings Girls' High School for the past five years. 

HGHS has provided a positive environment that has encouraged me to grow, and shaped who I am today. The plentiful amount of opportunities provided at this school - ranging from sports to cultural commitments, and academia outside of the classroom - has meant that I can explore what I'm interested in doing for the rest of my life, without judgment. For that, I'm thankful. Being surrounded by like-minded people in classrooms challenges me to work to the best of my ability, and I appreciate how flexible the teachers are when it comes to turning in work. It's nice to have teachers that are genuinely invested in our lives and care about us as people. HGHS has given me lifelong friends, and I'm excited to see where else the school will go. I have really loved going to a school that puts our girl first. 


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