Rangatahi Pānui

Week 2 Term Four

Lunches for Week 3

  • Thank you to Jimmy and his team for a great first two weeks - please keep the feedback coming!
  • Lunch schedule next week - all lunches to be collected from Te Rourou:
    Tuesday: All of BLUE HOUSE
    Wednesday: All of GOLD HOUSE
    Thursday: All of PURPLE HOUSE
    Friday: All of GREEN HOUSE 
  • Please go to Te Rourou during the second half of lunch each day if you are hungry - all extra lunches will be there, not in the food technology rooms. 
  • Breakfast club will still take place in the food tech rooms each morning. Thank you to Mrs Stewart and Mrs van der Meer for their continued, huge efforts!

2021 Gateway Course

  • Our school Gateway programme is offering some 10 week courses in Term 1 next year that may interest you as a career taster:
  • Agriculture/Farming: every Friday for Term 1 - Credits = 10 approx. all practical. Give farming a go, working with livestock, fencing docking, etc. If you are looking for something outside and hands-on, you might want to give this a go.
  • Aviation: Wednesday afternoons for 10 weeks - Credits = 20. Includes 2 x flights and simulator experience.
  • Equine / Horse Course: Friday for 10 weeks - Credits = 10 approx. Gain experience in grooming, horse care and riding.
  • Swim Instructors Certificate: 1 Day Course. Must complete 20 hours. Gain your swim instructors certificate.
  • Please see Maxine in T1 or email gi@hastingsgirls.com if you are interested. These courses are all school funded and can be done as an extra to normal subjects.

Wearing Your Uniform with Pride

  • The long weekend is the perfect time to ensure your uniform is up to scratch. As mentioned in Assembly on Monday, headlice love the warmer weather, so it is essential your hair is tied up at all times. If you have incorrect uniform e.g. misplaced sandals please go to the Student Centre on arrival to school so we can either fix the issue or provide a uniform pass for the day. Akina coaches and classroom teachers will be checking your uniform on arrival to class.

Update from Finance

  • Some students have regular automatic payments to the school. As we now have very few fees many students have very high credit balances on their accounts. Please check whether your daughter's account has a high credit balance, (on the Kamar Portal under 'Financial' or from your school statement) and if so, please stop or reduce your automatic payments.
  • We have received payments in September and October into the school bank account which do not have any student names on them, so we do not know who they are for. Please ensure your daughter's name is on any payments, or email finance@hastingsgirls.com to let us know you have made a payment.

2021 Year 10 Subject Selection

  • All the current Y9 students need to choose their options for Year 10 2021 by Monday 2nd November. To do this they need to log into the Kamar Student Portal (in the same way that senior students did). Any questions, please see your Akina Coach.

2021 Student Leaders

  • Next week our 2021 Student Leader candidates for Head or Deputy Head Girl will be doing a short presentation at lunch time around leadership, and what they will be contributing to student life.  Keep an eye on the daily notices for more times and the venue.


  • Sports Assembly 6 November
  • Big day out 12 November
  • NCEA exams begin 16 November
  • Athletics/Cross Country House Event 6 November
  • Clothing swap 10 & 11 November
  • BOT Meeting 18 November
  • Teachers only day 25 November
  • Year 9 Ocean Spa Day 2 December
  • Junior Reports 3 December
  • Year 10 Splash Planet 4 December
  • Junior Prize-giving 7 December
  • Last day of school for Year 9 & 10, 7 December
  • Senior Prize-giving 8 December
  • Last day of school for Year 11, 12 & 13, 8 December
  • Leavers Dinner 9 December


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