Rangatahi Pānui

Week 6 Term Four

Important Information for Exams

Exam checklist for students:
- Log into your NCEA student portal so you have all the information you may need;
- Bring your exam admission slip to EVERY EXAM;
- If you are sick, stay at home and let Mr Pera know at pe@hastingsgirls.com;
- If there is an evacuation alarm, take you emergency pack (phone etc.) and stay with your exam supervisor - you will be given extra time;
- Assemble in the Hall foyer each day prior to your exam, unless you already know where you will be writing (e.g. 1s block).


The Uniform Group is opening this week on Saturday 14th November from 10am to 2pm. 

Remember Year 11 you need to purchase your new uniform. 

We are currently looking for the shoes and roman sandals that have been borrowed form the student centre. There will be a $5 refund for returning these.

Please go to the back of the Student Centre to enter T2 (follow the cones)

Saturday 14/11 - 10am to 2pm
Monday 16/11 - 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Thursday 19/11 - 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Saturday 21/11 - 10am to 2pm
Tuesday 24/11 - 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Thursday 26/11 - 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Saturday 28/11 - 10am to 2pm
Tuesday 1/12 - 12.40pm to 1.35pm
Thursday 3/12 - 3.30pm to 5pm
Saturday 5/12 - 10am to 2pm

Information for Year 10 students (and their whānau) who are completing Level 1 courses

Tēnā koutou, Please note that any students who are completing NCEA Level 1 courses a year ahead qualify for the following special conditions as we finish with regular classes and move into the end of year Personalised Learning Programme (study leave) period:

  • These students may stay at home on the day before any exam to study;
  • Any blocks set aside for Level 1 courses in their timetable will become study periods which they may spend in class with their peers or in the library;
  • They may also attend any scheduled NCEA Level 1 workshop related to their Level 1 courses instead of a timetabled class.

Please feel free to contact me via email at pe@hastingsgirls.com if you have any questions.

Ngā manaakitanga, Christian Pera

Information for Stayers and their whānau

Please note that student personalised learning programmes begin on Friday 13 November. Ākonga who are expected to continue at school have been notified by their Akina coaches.

They will start each day with Akina time, where they will formulate a plan for the day with their Akina coach before moving on to the Kāhui areas in which they have been placed. These groups have been structured according to NCEA level and are where ākonga will spend the day working with the support of specialist teachers. At intervals throughout the week, targeted workshops centered around specific standards or topics will be available to the girls. Depending on their needs, ākonga will either voluntarily opt into these workshops or be directed to those which they must attend to aid in reaching their goals. A detailed, rolling timetable of Kāhui and workshops will be available on the website.

Once girls have met pre-determined criteria and been approved by their dean, they will be able to transition to study leave.

Please feel free to contact ky@hastingsgirls.com if you require any further information.

Aspiring Leaders

Thank you to the aspiring student leaders and those current students leaders who came. They gave up their time to make the Year 8 Big Day Out a success.

Akina Colour Shamozzle

On Friday 6th November 2020, Hastings Girls High School had the inaugural 'Akina Colour Shamozzle'. It was fun, colourful, competitive but most importantly it was memorable. The event included tug of war, competitive run, ice creams, fun run, colour throwing, water slides, music, dance battles, more colour throwing, selfie frame, music, and did we mention colour throwing?!

This event was initiated and driven by the students for the students, and will no doubt be the start of something great moving forward. Shout out to our amazing Sports Committee & to the staff who brought this event to life.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this groundbreaking event, both students & staff. Here's a recap of the House Colour rankings and congratulations once again to Blue House for taking it out!!

Blue House - 1st (268 points)
Green House - 2nd (239 points)
Purple House - 3rd (216 points)
Gold House - 4th (208 points)

Thank you to Sport Hawkes Bay for planting the seed and encouraging our girls to think outside the box when creating a 'female on the move' fun environment. A massive thank you to Tu Manawa Active Aotearoa for funding our coloured powder from @qualitycolouredpowder and our DJ from Eager Entertainment. We hope everyone had a blast! #Akina

Reminder about upcoming sports

Please feel free to come and support our girls at their games.

Tuesday 17th November
Annual Sports Exchange with Gisborne Girls High School at HGHS
HGHS vs GGHS ki o rahi @ 12.15pm approx on HGHS field
HGHS vs GGHS rippa @ 1pm approx on HGHS field
HGHS vs GGHS volleyball @ 1.45pm approx in HGHS big gym
NOTE: timings are indicative only

Wednesday 18th November
Junior Volleyball Division 1 at Pettigrew Green Arena
HGHS A vs Iona Jr A @ 7.45pm on Court 2
THS Girls A vs HGHS A @ 8.30pm on Court 1

Wednesday 18th November
Junior Volleyball Division 2 at Pettigrew Green Arena
KHS Jr B Boys vs HGHS B Girls @ 5.25pm on Court 5
CHBC Boys vs HGHS B Girls @ 6pm on Court 6

Thursday 19th November
Cricket - HGHS has a BYE (no game this week)

Friday 20th November
Ki o rahi @ Karamu High School
Draw will be released next week but games will commence from 4pm

New 2021 Netball Senior A head coach

Congratulations to Jamie Richardson, who has been appointed the new 2021 Netball Senior A head coach for Hastings Girls High School. Jamie is looking forward to working with HGHS staff, teams, parents and all future players of HGHS. Congrats Jamie! We are stoked to have you on board and we look forward to working with you next year!

Akina Time

Will be at the beginning of each day for the rest of the Term.

Senior Academic Revision and Internals Catch Up

All information regarding the November Academic Programme for senior students is on the Academic page on the website. This will be updated every few days.

Year 8 Learning Conferences

Learning Conferences will happen in the Student Centre. These will take about 20 minutes and do not need to be booked. Next week they are on Monday 16th November 3.30-5.30pm, Thursday 19th November 4.30-6.30pm. There will also be conferences on Tuesday 24th November 3.30-6.30pm.

BOT Meeting 18 November
Teachers only day 25 November
Year 9 Ocean Spa Day 2 December
Junior Reports 3 December
Year 10 Splash Planet 4 December
Junior Prize-giving 7 December
Last day of school for Year 9 & 10, 7 December
Senior Prize-giving 8 December
Last day of school for Year 11, 12 & 13, 8 December
Leavers Dinner 9 December


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