Rangatahi Pānui

Week 9 Term Four

Device Return

Thank you for your quick response in returning your devices. There are still waiting on a few to come back, please do this as soon as possible. They can be dropped off at either our Administration office for the Student Centre. We plan to reallocate devices in 2021.

2021 New Leaders at Rehearsal

Our 2021 student leaders will be announced towards the end of our Senior Prize Giving practice on Monday. 

Measles Immunisation

If you are 15-30years old you may have missed your measles immunisation when you were younger. Measles is 8 times more contagious than COVID-19. By getting immunised you protect yourself, your whānau, and your community.

To get your FREE measles immunisation or for more information talk to:

  • Your GP
  • Your local pharmacy
  • Your school nurse
  • Hauora or other community provider
  • Napier Health Centre community clinic
  • HBDHB Immunisation Team on 0800 729 100


  • Junior Prize-giving 7 December
  • Last day of school for Year 9 & 10, 7 December
  • Senior Prize-giving 8 December
  • Last day of school for Year 11, 12 & 13, 8 December
  • Year 13 Leavers Dinner 9 December

Hastings Girls' High School 7s side played the curtain raiser for the Mighty Magpies, they faced Napier mixed schools team and came away with a resounding win - awesome stuff team.


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