Rangatahi Pānui

Academic Plans

After NCEA results are released tomorrow, and students who have concerns about their final grades are welcome to come in on Friday and meet with Matua Carl or Mr Pera. Priority will be give to students with concerns about level 3 or University Entrance for further study.

Course Changes

Changes to any subjects for this year, please come to the Student Centre on Monday 25th January 12.30am - 3pm.


We encourage where possible to have their own devices. 

Seniors: It is our intention that all Seniors will have access to a laptop for their work. We will be working towards making this happen. Senior Students without a device will be given one by the school. This will not happen immediately but we will be working towards this. These devices will be on a long term borrow agreement. 

Junior Students: Where possible it would be good to see Juniors with their own Chromebook or laptop. We will continue to have a limited number of devices available for borrowing daily through the Library. At the moment there are some very good deals available. Do not feel that you need to purchase the most expensive device. A phone is not a suitable device for students to work with and on.

For students with their own devices, the school will provide Office 365 for no cost. If you wish to know more about this see Mr Pera.


Junior Students - There is a stationary list for years 9 and 10 on Office Max: My School - https://www.myschool.co.nz/?ut...
To start the school year on Weds 3rd February, you will need 2 x1B5 lined books and 1QB, 1E5 or M4 Quad Maths exercise book, 1 20xleaf A4Folder, pencil case with blue, black pens and pack of colouring pencils, ruler, eraser and glue stick. 

During the first week of term teachers will advise students of other supplies needed for specific subjects.

Senior NCEA Students - You need to decide the way that works for you around keeping notes - either purchase 1B5 books or a ring binder, A4 lined paper and subject dividers for the start of school. 

If you already own a device you may prefer to keep notes that way. You will need pens, pencils and a loose-leaf folder. 

During the first week your teachers will let you know what specialist equipment and stationary you will need.

Please note that we are moving to a BYOD school and recommend you check our advice on purchasing a laptop for your learning at school.

School Calendar

The school calendar is now available on our website.

2021 HGHS COVID-19 Preparedness Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect important data, to ensure that should New Zealand be required to go into Lockdown during 2021, that HGHS has all the necessary information to provide the best support for all of our students and their whānau.  

Please click here to complete the survey. You are required to completed one survey per student.


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