Rangatahi Pānui

Two important assemblies are coming up

On Monday 15th February there will be a Leaders' Assembly to welcome our new school leaders for 2021 and on Monday 22nd we will award NCEA Endorsement Awards at Assembly. Parents are most welcome to join us for these two events. Ākonga receiving awards will be notified Monday 15 February.

House Meetings

On Wednesday 17th and Wednesday 24th February there will be House Meetings during Ākina Time.

Reminder about upcoming HGHS sports games

Please feel free to come and support our girls at their sports games

Monday 15th February
Senior Volleyball at Hastings Sports Centre
HGHS Senior A vs Iona Senior A @ 5.30pm
HGHS Senior A vs HNHS A @ 7pm

Friday 19th February
Draw TBA but games will commence from 4pm
Note: this tournament will determine who qualifies for the Ki o Rahi National Secondary Schools Championship which will be held in Waitangi, Bay of Islands, 21-23 April 2020.

Saturday 20th February
Junior Softball (Round 2) at Akina 9
NBHS vs HGHS @ 10.15am
Note: games are held at Akina Park, Murdoch Road, Hastings. Click here for the field layout: https://www.sporty.co.nz/hbsa/...

Saturday 27th February
Junior Softball (Round 3) at Akina 2
HGHS vs Fastpitch @ 10.15am
Note: games are held at Akina Park, Murdoch Road, Hastings. Click here for the field layout: https://www.sporty.co.nz/hbsa/...

Monday 22nd February
Senior Volleyball at Hastings Sports Centre
HGHS vs Sacred Heart A @ 4pm
HGHS Senior A vs NGHS Senior A @ 7pm

Monday 1st March
Senior Volleyball at Hastings Sports Centre
HGHS Senior A vs HNHS @ 4pm
HGHS Senior A vs HCS @ 5.30p

Year 12 Study Information and Laptop Loans

During study blocks all girls must be in their timetabled study areas so that they can make the most of this time and also so that they can be marked present. We hope to allow Ākonga more control over their study time once good habits have been established so we will review study block attendance at the end of February before updating Ākonga and Whānau.

Devices can now be loaned through the library system. In order to do this, Ākonga must fill in the Covid survey here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

Then they can collect an application form from the Library and return it signed before loaning a device. Please remember that a phone is not a suitable device for school work.

Year 13 Study Information and Loan of laptops

As with Year 12s, all Year 13s must attend their timetabled study blocks until we review the system at the end of February. We hope to allow more freedom then, once good habits have been formed.

The Common Room is now open for use during interval and lunchtime, however we do encourage you to mingle with the rest of the school as well.

You are able to leave at lunchtime but you must sign out and back in before the start of block 3. This is a health and safety requirement for us as a school.

Laptops can now be loaned through the library system. In order to do this, fill in the Covid survey here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f... 

Then you can collect an application form from the Library and return it signed before loaning a device. Please remember that a phone is not a suitable device for school work

Tuakana Teina Tutoring at HGHS

We are really excited to launch our Tuakana Teina Tutoring programme.  If you are a junior student who would like addition tutoring for a senior student, or a senior student who can offer support, please complete this form.

Academic Committee - new students wanted

If you would like to be a member of the Academic Committee, please complete this form.

Message from the Finance Team

This year we have made a couple of changes to our finance operations at Hastings Girls’ High School.

New Bank Account

Hastings Girls’ High School now banks with ASB and the account is 12-3145-0140200-00. 

We would appreciate that any future online payments to the school are made to this bank account number.  Please include your daughters’ name as a reference. 

If you have an automatic payment to the school can you please update the account number.  If you have a large credit balance please consider stopping this payment as we can no longer use this money for Uniforms."


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