Rangatahi Pānui

Week 7 Term One

2021 Sports Committee

Congratulations to the 2021 Sports Committee. This group is selected annually and part of their responsibility is to provide leadership, guidance and support through sports. They will be the student voice in sports and will assist with planning and delivering events at school. The Sports Committee have also created the sports ethos that we as a school will abide by:

  • We will be PASSIONATE
  • We will be RESPECTFUL
  • We will be HUMBLE
  • We will be HONEST
  • We will be SUPPORTIVE
  • We will have TEAM SPIRIT
  • We will be COMMITTED
  • We will HAVE FUN

2021 Sports Committee: Amiria Tamati, Anahera Hide, Galilee Hiko, Georgia Miller, Georgia Treneman, Greta Russell, Jannali Ruawai-Johnson (absent), Jorja Earley, Kapone Richardson-Box, Katelyn Garbes, Luatolu Semisi, Mackenzie Potts-Tyro, Mia Hill, Peta Heather, Ruby Schofield, Sophie Daly and Wayla Renata.

HB Today Leaders in Their Schools 2021

Check out our Leaders Page 3 of the HB Today Leaders in Their School 2021 Publication.

Reminder about upcoming sports

Friday 19th March

Ki o Rahi at Karamu High School
Akina Blue vs Te Aratika @ 4pm
Akina Blue vs Te Ara Hou ki Uta @ 5pm

Saturday 20th March
No U15 softball for HGHS due to Flaxmere defaulting

Monday 22nd March
No Division 1 volleyball for HGHS due to competing at volleyball nationals

Wednesday 24th March
Football trials will be held after school on the field behind the gym. Please be on time and ready in your gear. This is open to all.

Wednesday 24th March
Hockey run around will be held after school on the courts after school.

Wednesday 24th March
Tennis hit around / training will be operating every Wednesday after school. Come have some fun, get some fresh air and get a sweat going. New players welcome, low key and low stress environment.

Friday 26th March
School athletics event held at HGHS

Wednesday 31st March
Hockey Trials at Hastings Sports Park

Thursday 1st April
HGHS 1st XI Hockey Team vs Havelock North High School 1st XI Hockey Team 6pm @ Sports Park

Good luck to the following teams competing at upcoming tournaments:
1. HGHS Senior A Volleyball team competing at Nationals next week in Palmerston North
2. HGHS Senior A Netball team competing at a tournament in Palmerston North on the weekend
3. HGHS Junior 3x3 Basketball team competing at Nationals next week in Auckland
4. HGHS Senior 3x3 Basketball team competing at Nationals next week in Auckland
5. Selected HGHS Softball players competing at Softball Nationals with Napier Boys High School next week.

School Athletics

Our school athletics is on Friday 26th March at HGHS. This is a fun and competitive House event in which all girls can compete. There are both competitive and fun track and field events in which all girls can get involved in. Girls' will need to bring water bottle, sunscreen & water. Lunch will be provided at school. There will be a sports fundraiser with the selling of juicies and moosies. This will be a good opportunity to look through your wardrobes for fun things to wear in your house colours.

Whānau Hui

We look forward to welcoming all junior students and their whānau to meet with subject teachers on Thursday 25 March. 

Please enter the school from the hall foyer, where one of our student leaders will welcome you and guide you to the relevant area of the school.

The school day will begin at 8.35am as usual, but finish at 12.20pm for all ākonga/students.

The hui will run from 2pm to 6pm, and while appointments are not necessary, teachers would greatly appreciate an email with your intended visit time to plan their evening. The focus of the meetings will be to check in with ākonga and their whānau to see how things are going.

If you are unable to make it this time, please feel free to contact the teachers you would like to speak to or email pe@hastingsgirls.com if you would like assistance.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) catchup programme - Year 11-13 students

Many young people missed out on measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunisation as children.

To stop future outbreaks, from Term 2 students are being offered a FREE vaccine at school to help protect them against measles, mumps and rubella. Most young people will have been given at least one dose of MMR in early childhood. However, changes to the Immunisation Schedule in 2001 and less effective reminder systems before 2005 mean that many teenagers and young adults are not fully protected. Not only will they be protecting themselves against a disease that’s even more contagious than COVID-19, they will also be protecting your whānau, community, and future generations from harm. If you have come from overseas, including the Pacific Islands, different vaccines may have been given which means your child may not be protected against measles, mumps and rubella. If you’re not sure or can’t find records, the Ministry of Health recommends having the MMR vaccine. Please also speak with your GP. It’s also free at your GP or participating pharmacies. Consent forms will be coming home with more information soon.
In the meantime further information is available:

  • ProtectAgainstMeasles.org.nz
  • Your School Public Health Nurse or
  • Amber Cooper, MMR Nurse (Public Health) Child Health Team. 027 2466910

Year 9 April Holiday Hockey Programme

We are pleased to offer all our Yr 3 - Yr 9 players a 3 day programme with an awesome line up Coaches. This is fantastic timing for a bit of a pre season run around.

On offer are two registrations options - either register for a minimum of two days (just choose these when registering) or register for the three day programme.

Dates: 19th to 21st April
Venue: Park Island Hockey turfs
Price: $50.00 per day
Time: 9am to 3pm
Registrations closes on the 11th April at 8pm.


What about Me

This is the largest National survey around Health and Wellbeing for Youth. The survey will take place on the 22nd and 25th March. Random classes will be selected. It is totally anonymous and will help make decisions on where government and other agencies need to spend money to improve the life of Young people in Aotearoa.

MTF Finance - Future Legends Scholarship

You may already be aware, but MTF Finance has recently launched a Future Legends Scholarship designed to support and nurture our best and brightest talent.

Three disciplines (Academic, Performing Arts and Sports) will share equally in the awards, and MTF Hastings want to encourage our future generations to step forward. 

We’d love to see a local recipient. To find out more and apply please click here.

Jumpers and Jackets Now in Stock

A shipment of school jumpers/cardigans and jackets has now arrived. Thank you for your patience. From Tuesday next week, all students are expected to be in the correct uniform.

Head Lice

We have noticed an increase in Head Lice please check your hair this weekend. Parents the simplest way to get rid of head lice is to smother hair with a cheap conditioner. Wrap the hair in glad wrap. Comb out in the morning with a fine comb and repeat after two days. This smothers the lice and kills them. Please don't share combs or brushes without cleaning them with disinfectant. We realise that the conditions are perfect for them and they love clean hair the best. Girls you can help control them by tying your hair up tightly.

Hastings Girls' High School Board of Trustees Casual vacancy for a parent representative

A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative.

The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection, offering the role to Jo-ell MacDonald.

If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.

Request for a by-election should be sent to:
Jacqui Davis, HGHS Board Chairperson
PO Box 2441
Hastings, 4153

by: 16 April 202


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