Rangatahi Pānui

Week 9 Term One

NCEA Level 1

Five things to remember for NCEA Level 1 Ākonga/Students:

  1. Get digital - check you school email often and when you get your NCEA login details - log in and SAVE YOUR DETAILS!
  2. Get credits - often and all through the year. 80 is a big target so get going!
  3. Get credits that are linked to your pathway - imagine your academic journey as a long walk down a wide valley that doesn't lead to a single career, but rather a whole lot of options linked to your PASSIONS (Are you a healer? An adventurer? An analyst? A problem solver?).
  4. Get the best you can get - Merit and Excellence MATTER - do the best you can in every course and every standard, IT WILL GIVE YOU OPTIONS!
  5. Get HELP - the only shame is in not asking when you don't understand - please come and see Mr Pera at any point to help you out with ANYTHING related to NCEA!

Now watch this video and have a great weekend! https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/..

Netball achievement

Congratulations to Kahlia Awa Yr 12 on the huge achievement of being named in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Netball Squad! Kahlia is one of only 18 girls to be named from all across NZ. So proud of you Kahlia!

Upcoming sports


An email has been circulated to all students about badminton. If you're interested in playing badminton this year, please fill in the link in the email from Mr Gibbons

Basketball trials will be held at 3.30pm - 4.30pm in the HGHS big gym.
Trial #1 Thursday 8th April
Trial #2 Thursday 15th April
Note: this is open to anyone interested in playing basketball this year for HGHS. Last year we only had 1 team, this year we'd love to have more than 1 team to represent HGHS (both competitive & social teams)

The 1st XI, 2nd XI and 3rd XI HGHS football teams have all been named and the team lists are located on the sports notice board by the small gym. Please liaise with your coaches/TIC for training dates and times. If you've missed the trials and would like to still participate in football, please see Mr Orr

There will be a pre-season hockey match between HGHS 1st XI and Havelock North 1st XI at 5.30pm on Thursday 8th April at Sports Park.
Note: feel free to come and support the team!

ALL girls playing netball for HGHS in 2021 must complete their online school consent form. Mr T has circulated this to all netball teams via school email. Anyone who hasn't received this link please email sport@hastingsgirls.com
Note: Netball Senior A players have a different consent form to this

Volleyball Finals
Division 1 Senior A volleyball finals will be held at Pettigrew Green Arena on Saturday 10th April. The draw is TBC but will be announced on the Volleyball Hawkes Bay website when ready
Note: click here to keep an eye out for the finals details: http://www.volleyballhb.org.nz...

- ALL sports communications must go through the teacher in charge (TIC) of that particular sport. This includes communication from parents, coaches and students - you must liaise through the TIC and the TIC will pass the information onto the relevant people.


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