Rangatahi Pānui

Week 11 Term One

Culture Week

Our Cultural Captain, April Vaima'a, supported by her Cultural Committee, did an amazing job this week showcasing the diverse cultures at our school.  We have been posting photos throughout the week, of all the events, but here are some of our favourites.

Click here

Upcoming Sports

Summer sport season is coming to an end but the winter sport season is just around the corner. Here's some key sports info for upcoming sports.


Secondary school badminton commences on the third week back from school holidays (20th May). Badminton tops will be issued to teams on second/third week back. A reminder for badminton students to click here to complete your online badminton school consent form: https://forms.gle/sx8deNwqatNE...


Good luck to the HGHS Tip Off Basketball team as they compete at the Tip Off Basketball competition in Rotorua during the second week of the school holidays.
Secondary school basketball commences on the first week (seniors - 5th May) and second week (juniors - 10th May) back from school holidays. Basketball uniforms will be issued on the first week back. A reminder for basketball students to click here to complete your online basketball school consent form: https://forms.gle/bwq2wNLXgpd9...


Secondary school football commences on the second week back from school holidays (12th May). Football uniforms will be issued to teams on the first & second week back. A reminder for football students to click here to complete your online football school consent form: https://forms.gle/6gimj6JeYdfV...


Secondary school hockey commences on the second week back from school holidays (13th May). Hockey dresses will be issued to teams on the first/second week back. If you haven't completed your online hockey school consent form, please click here to complete: https://forms.gle/JzsrFRo9J3oK...

Ki o Rahi:

Good luck to the Akina Ki o Rahi team as they compete at nationals in Waitangi, Bay of Islands during the first week of the school holidays.


Secondary school netball commences on the first week back from school holidays (Tues 4th May is Super 12 & Sat 8th May is Secondary Schools comp). Netball dresses will be issued to teams on the first week back. If you haven't completed your online netball school consent form, please click here to complete: https://forms.gle/KV7b6Atqv9Mz...

NOTE: sports uniform will not be handed out to those who have not paid their fees, unless a payment plan has been arranged & some fees have been paid in advance. All sports fees must be paid prior to commencement of sports unless a payment plan has been arranged. Also, the online consent forms should only be completed once per sport per student

Congratulations Sophie

Sophie competed in her chosen sport of equestrian at NZMGA Individual Championships recently and won. She now remains the NZ U17 Individual Champion for 2021. She has now managed what very few have managed to achieve over the years and that is to clean sweep all 3 NZ U17 titles in one calendar season, she was awarded the NZMGA U17 Triple Crown trophy recently also. She has now managed to bag herself 4 National titles this season which is more than any other rider. Well done Sophie!!

Ending Streaming in Aotearoa publication

We are excited to have been a case study for this research and publication 'Ending Streaming in Aotearoa.' 

Please take some time to read the attached publication.

Great Sports Parents

What does it take to become a great sports parent? Join Sport NZ and special guest, Professor Camilla Knight, for this upcoming free webinar. You will learn the six key skills that can help parents and caregivers be involved in their child's sport in the best possible way. If you are a coach or volunteer you will also benefit from tuning in.

Who is this for?

  • PARENTS - whether your child or children are at primary, intermediate or secondary school, parents of all ages will benefit from this webinar
  • COACHES - learn some of the key messages that you can relay to your parents and ultimately get them to help you make the waka go faster

WHEN: Wednesday 21st April 2021, 7.30pm - 8.30pm (NZST)
CLICK HERE: https://balanceisbetter.org.nz...

We will also discuss how you can help your child/ren to:
- grow and develop through sport, and attain the maximum holistic benefit
- reach their sporting potential
- enjoy sport, fall in love with sport and stay involved in sport for lift

Year 12 and 13 Updates from Assembly

Tuakana Teina opportunity. If you would like to be a big sister in a class during a study and work with Junior students in a particular subject area please let Mrs Kelsey know by email. At the start of Term 2 Year 12 will get a new timetable printed with a 4 week Careers class during a study. You must be in those as important work will be done with you to plan future pathways. NZQA Login - You need to login to NZQA using your login and password to see all the information on your achievement's and NZQA. See Mr Pera if any issues.

Frimley Park Survey - Win Free Movie Tickets

The Hastings District Council needs feedback on plans for Frimley Park - have your say here and be in to win a double pass to the movies:


The survey runs until the end of April


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