Rangatahi Pānui

Remaining at Alert Level 4

Our distance learning programme will continue! Please note. it is only in very limited circumstances that students, parents or caregivers are allowed to come to the school grounds. So please do not come to school unless you have been individually contacted by us to do so. Otherwise, you will be in breach of the COVID-19 Health Response Order.

There is a lot we can all do to protect our whānau and community from COVID-19 including:

  • Everyone must continue to stay home in their bubble
  • Do not mix with other household bubbles – if they have COVID-19, it can easily spread to your household, and every other household they and you are connecting with
  • As new cases are identified, new locations of interest are added to the Ministry of Health website – please keep checking this. You can search by your location and they are sorted by date, so you only need to check the locations which have been added when you last checked
  • Wash your hands regularly, especially when you have been out in public
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell and seek advice about whether you need to get a test
  • Wear a face covering when out and about, and you MUST wear a face covering in any businesses or services which are open at Alert Level 4 (unless you have specifically been exempted from doing so, which includes anyone aged under 12)
  • Keep a two-metre distance from people outside your household bubble
  • Check in using the NZ COVID Tracer App wherever you go or keep a manual record (a reminder the App only stores information on your own phone – no one else will know who it is that checked in, or when)

You can go to the COVID19.govt.nz website if you would like more information on Alert Level 4 requirements.

Please do take care and let us know how we can best support you and your whānau.

Kia kaha!

Contact your Ākina Coach

If you haven't been in touch with your Ākina coach this week - please make contact today.

Junior distance learning hard packs available on Wednesday only!!

If you do not have a laptop, come to the main car park outside the admin office between 10am - 12pm, on Wednesday, 25 August to pick up a hard pack of learning material. 

Drive in through the main gate, wait until the car in front of you has moved on and then pick up a pack from the box. You must be wearing a mask, hand sanitise before and after and use the QR tracker on your phone to record your visit. Follow signs to exit.

Principal catch up

Information hub for Pasifika parents and families

Kia orana, Noa’ia, Talofa lava, Mauri, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atua and Mālō ni, we’ve created an online info hub for Pasifika parents, families and communities to support learning during Alert Level 4. 

You can find the information hub here.

There are helpful updates on how COVID-19 impacts education and links to learning resources including:

We’d encourage you to check the info hub page regularly – we’ll be updating it daily.

Kainga Pasifika Services

If you need a whānau Ora Family Support Package, please connect with Pasifika Futures Ltd. Partner, Tevita Fakaosi - 027 275 7086

This service is only available for our Pasifika families.

Responsible Use of Social Media

We need to remind all students that all devices and social media platforms need to be used with kindness in mind. The Police and Netsafe do not tolerate anything on-line that causes harm.  Remember to be your best self on-line and within your families.

BOT Student Representative

We have 5 nominations for this position.  Over the next few days we will share their short bio with you, which outlines why they think they would make a good representative for you.  Today's candidates can be viewed below.

Tournament week update

School Sport NZ, in conjunction with its sport partners, regretfully announce the cancellation of all sanctioned events on its calendar through to Monday 6th September 2021. This includes all events scheduled within the Winter Tournament Week window. 


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