Rangatahi Pānui

Kia ora Koutou 

Thank you for supporting us as we continue to support our students in their learning.  We are particularly appreciative of the timely response we have from students and whānau when we seek information to help us with our planning.

As we head towards Level 3 please remember no Year 9 and 10 students are permitted on site without having first completed their Return to School Survey and received a confirmation email from the school.

As directed by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, no senior students are permitted on site at Level 3.  

All students will continue with their learning through our current distance learning plan.

We are currently shaping our Level 2, return to school plan.  Our priority will be ensuring all students feel secure and safe upon their return, and that we have a clear plan ahead, to support them with their learning goals.

Ngā mihi

Catherine Bentley


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