Rangatahi Pānui

Week 8 Term Three

School Calendar / Notices / Absentee

You can now view the calendar, report absences and read the school notices, from the Kamar App.

If you do not already have the Kamar App, you can now download it from Play store or App Store. 

A reminder of login details were sent out to caregivers today.

Year 9-12 Community Service Award

Any Year 9-12 student can apply for the HGHS student Hastings Pioneer Lions Club Award. This award is given as an acknowledgement of voluntary work and service done in school and in the community. Any studnt who wishes to apply needs to complete the form attached and email/give it to Mrs Kelsey by Thursday 30 September 2021.

Missed Benchmark Examinations

Due to the recent disruptions caused by changing alert levels, a number of benchmark examinations were not run. 

Please rest assured that these assessments' primary goal is to gather evidence to support a derived grade should a student miss an end of year examination. Benchmark examinations are however not the only way to do this, as teachers regularly gather evidence of learning that may also be used for this purpose. Some subjects will still offer full or part-benchmark examinations in class time, but this will not and need not be the case across the board. 

A comprehensive academic support plan will be offered to all ākonga in Term 4 to ensure that they have every opportunity to both gain as many credits as possible from internally assessed standards and prepare properly for their examinations. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Mr Pera at pe@hastingsgirls.com

Senior Subject Selection for 2022

This week teachers have been working with senior students on their subject choices for 2022. Today we provided an opportunity for students to meet with subject specialist teachers to discuss courses and ask any questions. If you or your student still have questions about subject selection, you are welcome to contact Ākina Coaches, Deans or Catherine Kelsey on ky@hastingsgirls.com to make an appointment for a phone call or online meet up to discuss their course for 2022.

Congratulations to Sophie Daly

The 2021/2022 equestrian season has started and Sophie competed over the weekend. She won both the U18 and Open pairs competitions, which as the HB Winters Pairs Championships. She next competes here locally on the 2/3rd of October. Good luck Sophie!!

Student Sport, Cultural, Year 13, Committee Photos

On Friday 24th September, the HGHS student group photos for sports, performing arts, cultural, academic, committee and Year 13 groups will be taken at school. These will be used for the 2021 school magazine. All students must wear the correct school uniform. Please see the below the draft list of times for the groups/teams.
Any questions please email sport@hastingsgirls.com

Sports Uniform Returns

All students will need to return their winter sports uniforms on Friday 24 September.  These will be collected before your photograph is taken.

Guidance for funds raised for cancelled school events and trips

The restrictions caused by COVID-19 alert levels have meant that many school events and trips have been cancelled.  The Ministry of Education have provided schools with the following guidelines. 

Funds paid directly by parents or a donor

  • Funds that parents or a donor have paid directly to your school as a contribution to the trip or event can be refunded to those parents or donor to the extent that your school has received refunds for any costs already incurred.  If you would like these funds withdrawn from your students account, please contact finance@hastingsgirls.com

Funds collected from fundraising activities

  • Funds raised from fundraising activities carried out in the name of your school cannot be repaid to individuals because they are funds raised for the trip rather than for individual participants.
  • If you’ve raised funds for a specific purpose, you should in good faith use those funds for the purpose for which they were given. If you’re unable to spend the funds on the stated purpose, our guidance would be that, where possible, you spend the funds in a way that is consistent with the original reason for raising the funds.
  • Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, any fundraised money will be held by Hastings Girls High School for that teams’ / groups’ future events. This will apply to all teams /groups who have already fundraised but were impacted by the recent lockdown in New Zealand. This is to ensure clarity and consistency across for all who have already fundraised.
  • Any fundraised cash that was received by the team under the “Hastings Girls' High School” banner must be delivered to the HGHS Finance Officer as soon as reasonably possible. If payments are made online, this should be into the Hastings Girls High School bank account: 12-3145-0140200-00 with the teams / groups name as reference + individuals’ details as particulars. HGHS will keep track of the funds for future use of the team that fundraised. This includes any money fundraised prior to the recent lockdown.

Sports Grand Finals

Congratulations to our HGHS Junior Basketball, Senior Basketball & Netball Senior A teams for making it into their grand finals next week. Congratulations also to our 1st XI Hockey team for doing well in Division 1 this year. Due to Alert level 2 restrictions, we aim to livestream the games so our friends & whanau can watch and virtually support our girls. See details below regarding next week:

Monday 20th September
Junior Basketball Grand Finals (SS Kotiro Poihutikohu Teina)
HGHS Juniors vs Taradale Junior Girls A
7.30pm @ Hastings Sports Centre
note: Game will be livestreamed on the Hastings Girls High School Facebook page

Tuesday 21st September
Netball Unison Super12 Grand Finals
HGHS Senior A vs NGHS Senior A
6.45pm @ Pettigrew Green Arena
note: Hawkes Bay Netball will be livestreaming the game. Please keep an eye on the HBN website for more info.

Wednesday 22nd September
Senior Basketball Grand Finals (SS Snr Girls Div1)
HGHS Seniors vs NGHS Junior A
7.30pm @ Pettigrew Green Arena
note: Game will be livestreamed on the Hastings Girls High School Facebook page

Thursday 23rd September
Secondary Schools Hockey Division 1 (playing for 5th & 6th)
HGHS 1st XI vs NGHS 2nd XI
4.45pm @ Cape Physio
note: Game will be livestreamed on the Hastings Girls High School Facebook page

An update from the Ministry of Education

The Education Minister announced today that school holiday dates will remain unchanged, starting from Saturday 2 October.  The Minister has carefully considered advice on how moving term dates presented challenges that would have had a wider and long-term impact by disrupting curriculum and activity plans already in place for students, whānau and educators. Keeping the holidays as they are will avoid adding stress and anxiety to children and their education and wellbeing.  The Minister was also aware that an extended length of Term 4 would add to fatigue among your students and staff at the end of a school year.


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