Rangatahi Pānui

Term 4 Week One

Term 4 Academic Support Programme

All Senior Students, please fill in this form urgently to tell us about how you are feeling about how your feeling about the progress you are making towards your learning goals.

Ākina Colour Shemozzle

On Friday 29 October we have our Ākina Colour Shemozzle event. This is one of the highlights of the year at HGHS. Some of the key purposes of this event is to create a fun environment with positive memories. The event will include a live DJ, colour throwing, water slides, various obstacles, colour slime and plenty of fun activities. 

What students need to know:

  • Students must attend Ākina class in the morning
  • The event starts during Block 2 and concludes at the end of Block 3
  • Students can wear their white Shemozzle outfit to school. It is recommended to wear white clothing in order to easily see the colour powder/slime 
  • House points up for grabs based on number of participation from each house
  • We recommend students wear running shoes to prevent hurting your feet, etc
  • Bring a water bottle with your name on it so you can refill & keep hydrated
  • Dedicated first aider will be onsite
  • Spot prizes to be awarded including best dressed, team spirit, tidiest house at the end of the day
  • Juicies/moosies will be on sale

Shemozzle Fundraiser at the Clive Markets

The HGHS Sports Department will be fundraising at the Clive Markets selling juicies, Jtubes and moosies for the upcoming and future HGHS Shemozzle events. Please feel free to come and support.

Date: Saturday 23rd October 
Location: Clive Community Hall
Time: 9am - 1pm approx.
What we're selling: $2 Juicies / $3 Moosies & $3 Jtubes
Note: Eftpos available onsite

Sport Hawke's Bay - Sports Awards

Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID, the decision has been made that the Sport Hawke's Bay Secondary School Sports Awards will not go ahead as a physical event this year. We will be following the same format as last year which is:

  • Schools nominate students who have made an outstanding contribution to sport or physical activity (no limit on nominations, all names will be printed)
  • Names will go in the HB Today paper and across Sport HB social media channels

If you have any nominations, please email our Director of Sport the nominees full name and the name of the relevant sport or physical activity they are begin nominated for to sport@hastingsgirls.com, by no later than 5pm on Friday 5th November.

Leavers Hoodies

All Year 13 are allowed to wear the 2021 Leavers' Hoodies through Term 4.

Link to our School Calendar


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