Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 2

School Calendar Update

Next week we will bring you an update on what the remainder of the school year calendar events will look like.

We will still be continuing with our Prizegivings, however, they will look a little different to normal, as we navigate life at Level 2.

Vaccination Information Session for Students

The DHB will be in school on Wednesday 3 November, to present an information session regarding vaccinations for COVID-19.  From the start of next year, all schools will be required to record the vaccination status of all students over the age of 12.  

This session will provide opportunity for students to ask any questions they have around vaccinations.  Students will be in House Groups in the hall.  

  • 9.30am - Green House
  • 9.45am - Blue House
  • 10.00am - Purple House
  • 10.15am - Gold House

Masks on Buses

As of Thursday 28 October at 11.59pm all students will be required to wear a mask.  

Reusable masks will be given out on Thursday after school.  Please keep them in your bags or pockets as you will need to use them every time.  If you have your own please start to wear them. 

Year 13 Leavers

We are organising a farewell beach day for our Year 13 Leavers, with lots of fun, food and celebration.  NO cost for students.  

More information to follow.  

Remember Year 13s are allowed to wear the 2021 Leavers' Hoodies through Term 4.

Term 4 Academic Support Programme

All Senior Students, please URGENTLY fill in this form, to tell us about how you are feeling about your learning:  CLICK HERE

Student Subject Changes for 2022

Year 10, 11 & 12

Your Ākina Coach will go over your subject selections for 2022 this coming week. 

Please check them carefully and think about your pathway going forward. 

If you wish to make a change to a subject then your Ākina Coach will communicate this on the information sheet they have. 

If you need to have a broader discussion around your pathway and subject choices, then you will need to make an appointment with your Dean, or Year 12 students can meet with Matua Carl, the Year 13 Academic Dean.

NEW DATE Ākina Colour Shemozzle

Due to today's postponement our Ākina Colour Shemozzle event will now take place on Friday 19 November. This is one of the highlights of the year at HGHS. Some of the key purposes of this event is to create a fun environment with positive memories. The event will include a live DJ, colour throwing, water slides, various obstacles, colour slime and plenty of fun activities

What students need to know:

  • Students must attend Ākina class in the morning
  • The event starts during Block 2 and concludes at the end of Block 3
  • Students can wear their white Shemozzle outfit to school. It is recommended to wear white clothing in order to easily see the colour powder/slime 
  • House points up for grabs based on number of participation from each house
  • We recommend students wear running shoes to prevent hurting your feet etc
  • Bring a water bottle with your name on it so you can refill & keep hydrated
  • Dedicated first aider will be onsite
  • Spot prizes to be awarded including best dressed, team spirit, tidiest house at the end of the day
  • Juicies/moosies will be on sale

Top Sports Awards 2021 Nominations

In the run up to our Prizegvings and the major sports cups that are awarded, we want to make sure that we have all current information about all students' sporting achievements in 2021. If you think that there is information on your daughter, or another student, who have excelled in sports (inside and outside school), please can you complete the form below. 

All information must be in no later than 12noon on Friday 12 November 2021. 

Click here to submit your information:  https://docs.google.com/forms/...

Sport Hawke's Bay - Sports Awards

Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, the decision has been made that the Sport Hawke's Bay Secondary School Sports Awards will not go ahead as a physical event this year. We will be following the same format as last year which is:

  • Schools nominate students who have made an outstanding contribution to sport or physical activity (no limit on nominations, all names will be printed)
  • Names will go in the HB Today paper and across Sport HB social media channels

If you have any nominations, please email our Director of Sport the relevant details no later than 5pm on Friday 5 November.

HGHS Director of Sport email: sport@hastingsgirls.com

What to email: full name of HGHS student + name of relevant sport or physical activity


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