Rangitahi Pānui

Term Four Week 5

Junior Prizegiving

Congratulations to all of our prize winners , you can still view the live stream on our FB pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Hasti...

Photos will be available of prize winners next week.

Senior Students Catch ups and Exam revision classes

Many subject areas are offering workshops and or tutorials. Staff taking these welcome all students entered into the examination, regardless of whether or not they have been your teacher this year.

Study Leave

Some seniors have received a letter from the school informing them they are eligible for study leave.These students can study from home.  If they would like to come into school to either study in one of our designated study spaces or attend a tutorial they are required to sign in and out of the Student Centre and wear full, correct uniform.

Junior Students Important Dates

Tuesday 23 Nov - Teacher Only Day -  NO Juniors at school 

Friday 3 Dec - Half Day - finish at 12pm

Junior Challenge Weeks

All Juniors have TWO Challenge projects that they have been allocated to from their choices. Students must come to school in uniform but bring a change of clothes for project work - leggings and t-shirt or sports gear. A hat, suncream and togs are also essential. Students will be given their projects by their Ākina coach on Monday morning. 

Week 6 Monday 22nd to Friday 26 November

Challenge A 

Monday 22nd, Weds 24th, Thurs 25th, Fri 26th November: 
9.00am  Gym, 
9.30am Projects start. Pool Open at lunchtime. 
3.10pm End of Day

Week 7 Monday 29th November to Friday 3rd December

Challenge B

Monday 29th November to Thurs 2nd December:
9.00am Gym, courts and field
9.30am Projects start. Pool open at Lunchtime. 
10.30am Morning Tea
12.30pm Lunch
3.10pm End of Day

Friday 3rd December: Morning Only

Morning Tea only for Juniors
Tidy Up Projects in classrooms and sports area 
11.30am Junior Assembly in the Gym.

Vaccination Status

From November 1, schools are required to gather vaccination status from all students over 12 years, this includes having a record of non vaccinated students.  Please enter your students vaccination status by following the link here.


Ākina time change

To further support our remaining senior students with their NCEA learning goals, Ākina time will be at the start of each day for the remainder of the year.  During this time senior students will map out their day, setting specific targets.  As senior students achieve their learning goal, they may be eligible for study leave, which will be confirmed via an email from Deputy Principal Christian Pera.

School Policy Review: Māori Educational Success

Visit the website https://hastingsgirls.schooldo...

Enter the username (hastingsgirls) and password (huia).
Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
Read the policy.
Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select the reviewer type "Parent".
Enter your name (optional).
Submit your ratings and comments.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

Netball umpire opportunity

Do you want to become a Netball Umpire? Do you want to be involved or give back to HGHS netball through being an umpire? HGHS netball teams are always looking for umpires when we the netball season is up and running.

Hawkes Bay Netball are running a 'Learn to Umpire Workshop' which is open to anyone in the community. Now (during the off-season) is the right time to upskill and develop your umpiring skills ahead of the 2022 netball season. This is the perfect workshop for you if you are wanting to learn more about the rules of the game and gain your qualification. A two-night workshop that will include theory and practical work and a brand new whistle to put to good use! Get in quick as spaces are limited!

Date: Monday 29th & Tuesday 30th November (practical)
Cost: $10 registration & keep your whistle
Time: 6pm - 7.30pm
Venue: Mitre10 Sports Park, HBN Community Room

Learn all there is to know about umpiring, register through this link: 



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