Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 7

The Prime Ministers Excellence Award Ceremony

This morning we welcomed Te Mahau (MOE), who presented us with our Prime Minister's Excellence Award for Leadership.

Congratulations to our wider kura community for the role you have played in supporting us in our innovation and outstanding mahi.

Uniform Reminder

Please remember that Year 11 students going into Year 12 in 2022 will need to purchase a navy blue skirt.  Year 12 students going into Year 13 need a new shirt. Please get fitted now, so it arrives in time for next year. 

The U shop is open Monday and Tuesday 3-5pm and Saturday 10-1pm.  Their phone number is 06 261 0531. 

Remember if your roman sandals do not have backs you will need to purchase new ones over summer.


Our buses will run until Thursday next week.  Anyone catching the Flaxmere bus, please be aware this may be a mini van.

Term 4 Sports

Congratulations to the following:

  • HGHS Junior Touch team for winning the Hawke's Bay Secondary Schools Touch tournament and completing the season undefeated.
  • HGHS Junior Volleyball team for winning top of their Division in Hawke's Bay Secondary School Volleyball (they also won the open tournament earlier this term).
  • Wikitoria Tamati, Sosilini Pulu, Tia Mataira & Tehia Taylor for being selected in the HB U17 Girls Softball team.
  • Jaimee Mataira & Amiria Tamati - Most Valuable Player in HGHS Softball
  • Sosilini Pulu & Tehia Taylor - Most Improved Player in HGHS Softball 
  • Wikitoria Tamati & Tia Mataira - Team Spirit in HGHS Softball

Sports Volunteers - Expressions of Interest for2022

Any volunteers interested in coaching, reffing, umpiring or managing a sport/team in 2022?  If you're interested, please complete THIS FORM 

Netball Coaches 2022

Are you interested in coaching a netball team at HGHS in 2022? 

If so, there are 2 things you'll need to do:

  1. Complete this LINK to express your interest in coaching a sport at HGHS
    (you can also express your interest for other HGHS sports)
  2. Complete this LINK to register for an online netball coaching workshop that will help you plan ahead for the 2022 netball season.  Details below:
    • WHEN: Monday 6th December
    • WHERE: Online
    • TIME: 6:30pm
    • COST: $10.00

Sports on offer in 2022

If you're interested in playing sports at HGHS in 2022, please complete the link below to express your interest. This is to give us an idea of the demand for each sport to help us plan accordingly. CLICK HERE

The board of School Sport NZ have confirmed that all School Sport NZ sanctioned events in Term 1 2022 (including the term 1 holidays) will be restricted to fully vaccinated participants, aged 12 and over, only. Where practicable, this mandate extends to spectators attending also. This decision will be reviewed post Summer Tournament Week 2022 and taking into account the latest Government advice. 

The Covid Protection Framework comes into effect on Friday 3rd December. In preparation for the changes to how sport will be delivered under the Framework, School Sport NZ consulted with member Principals and its Sport partners.

86% of Principals who responded agreed that School Sport NZ sanctioned events must be restricted to fully vaccinated participants only. Similarly, sport partner feedback was 81% in favour. We are actively working with our sport partners for term 1 events to ensure that compliance is manageable and that Health and Safety plans and guidance is updated to reflect the Covid Protection Framework. 

Sport NZ has published its advice in accordance with the Covid Protection Framework (here).  Quite simply, the events on the School Sport NZ Calendar will not be able to proceed if Covid Vaccination Certificates are not being checked. The gathering limits at Orange and Red in particular become too restrictive for viable sports events to take place.  Many public venues and facilities where sanctioned events take place are requiring Covid Vaccine Passes for entry. National and Regional Sports Organisations are also considering their options. This mandate will provide clarity for all stakeholders to plan with confidence that events on the School Sport NZ Calendar will be able to continue.

Sport NZ will shortly be publishing school sport specific advice in relation to opportunities for sport, active recreation, and play. The intent of the document is to provide a single source of information for the provision of school sport. The document will be updated regularly, and school sport staff are encouraged to provide specific questions and scenarios through your Regional Sports Director for clarification, or directly covid19response@sportnz.org.nz

The board of School Sport NZ is acutely aware that this mandate will result in some students being unable to participate in School Sport NZ sanctioned events, in some cases through no fault of their own. School Sport NZ will support its regional school sport partners where appropriate to shape alternative regional or intra-school options.

Key Dates:

  • 10 December, 1.30pm - 3.00pm: Senior Prizegiving (Students only)
  • 10 December, 3.00pm - 5.00pm: Year 13 leavers afternoon tea
  • 14 December: Last day of NCEA exams
  • 17 December: Final Pānui for 2021 sent out


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