Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 2

Early Finish 25 February

Friday 25 February, school will finish at 12.45pm after Block 2.  Buses will be running from 12.55pm.  This is at the request of the National PPTA office as they are holding a PUM in the afternoon.

Attendance Golden Rules

1. If a student is going to be away from school please let the school know. Go to the website www.hastingsgirls.com  Use the ‘Contact us’ tab then  ‘Report an absence’ to fill out your daughters information. Or ring 068731133.  Email: suee@hastingsgirls.com  or text 0211917277.  We need to know your daughter's name and the reason for the absence. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to let us know that your daughter is away.
2. If no contact has been made we intend to send a text message letting you know that your daughter is not in her timetabled class. Please reply to this message with the reason for her absences.
3. If students are late to school they need to go straight to their Hub / Kahui where the teacher will mark their attendance.
4. If students have an appointment and need to leave school during the day, they must communicate this with their teacher at the start of the day, so they can let them sign out. Students cannot just leave the school grounds. This is important for everyone’s safety.

Special Lunches

From Monday, our Student Leaders will be collecting the special lunches and delivering them to zones.  These lunches are clearly labelled for individual students.

Scholarship Review and Reconsideration

The closing date for Scholarship Review and Reconsideration applications is Friday 4 March.


We will no longer be giving panadol to students.  It is important that if you are unwell then you are at home.  Drinking water is very important during these hot days.  Dehydration can cause headaches.  Please bring your water bottle to school.


Remember that you need to wash your masks.  The disposable masks can be washed up to ten times.  This ensures that they are effective. Extra masks are available from your classroom teacher.  Masks are not given out in the Student Centre.

Bus Students

All students must wear their masks correctly and keep them on for the entire trip.  Tranzit has said that students who are not complying will be asked to leave the bus.  Remember we need to keep each other safe as well as the Drivers.

School Counselor and School Nurse

At the moment due to the Red light system we are all sticking to our zones so if you need to make an appointment with Whaea Rose tw@hastingsgirls.com or the Nurse nurse@hastingsgirls.com and your House Deans then email your request through. No students should be coming over to the Student Centre unless they have an appointment.

Bus Bay

Just a reminder that you cannot park inside the school or in the bus bay to pick up students.  Please make sure that we use the pedestrian crossing to keep all of our school safe.

NCEA external exam Review and Reconsideration

The closing date for NCEA external exam Review and Reconsideration applications is Friday 25 February


Each day next week, a short video clip will be emailed.

HGHS Sports 2022 Update

Due to the impacts of Omicron, there's a couple of things that our HGHS Sports community needs to be aware of:

1) Everyone involved in sports must be fully vaccinated for the whole of 2022 sports (this is extended from Term 1 sports only). Click here for more details: https://www.nzsssc.org.nz/news...

2) A decision on Summer Tournament week will be decided no later than Friday 18th February by School Sport New Zealand. This impacts summer sports teams competing at nationals in March/April.

3) HGHS Swimming Sports Day is now postponed (this was originally scheduled for Friday 25th February)

4) HGHS Athletics Day is now postponed (this was originally scheduled for Friday 25th March)

5) 2022 Secondary School Waka Ama Nationals is now cancelled

6) Weet-Bix Tryathlon Hastings is now cancelled

7) Ki o Rahi local competition is now going ahead. First game is scheduled for Friday 18th February. To find out more info and to register, click here: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

8) Senior Volleyball team trials have concluded and our teams have now been announced. Congratulations to all those involved. Click here to find out more info: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

9) Netball trials 2022 will be held on different dates in order to monitor the numbers and minimize any risks. Other netball team trials will be held in March 2021. More details to follow in future panui or keep an eye on the school Netball page for more info: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

HGHS Sports website

Just a friendly reminder that we now have Sports information available on our school website. Click here to view: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

Netball Senior A & Senior B trials

Netball Senior A and Senior B trials will be held on Monday 21st February in preparation for our Netball 2022 season. Please turn up ready to go in your gear. If you're interested, you must complete this Netball Senior A & B Trials registration form by Sunday 20th February: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

What: Netball Senior A & Senior B trials
When: Monday 21st February
Time: 3.20pm - 5pm
Where: HGHS gym/courts

Note: All students involved must be vaccinated to participate. No spectators allowed. All students must sign in manually on the register at the door (for track & tracing purposes). Face masks must be worn upon arrival & leaving the venue. Hand sanitizer provided. A second trial may take place after this date if required.

Sports Expressions of Interests

If you haven't done so already, please complete the link below to indicate what sport(s) at HGHS you'd like to participate in this year


Sports under the Covid-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights)

New Zealand is in the Covid-19 Protection Framework, also known as the traffic lights. This approach to Covid-19 introduces more freedoms for vaccinated New Zealanders, including sport. It minimizes the impact and provides protection from Covid-19 through 3 settings - Green, Orange & Red. See attached images to remind you of what can still happen in each of the traffic light. For more information click here: https://covid19.govt.nz/traffi...

Netball Player Development Programme

This is a six-week netball pre-season programme with a fitness focus as well as attacking and defensive technical coaching. This Hawkes Bay Netball programme runs during Term 1 at Mitre 10 Park for U14, U16 & U18 netball players. Please note there is a cost of $140 per person.

This programme is a great preparation for the upcoming Secondary School netball season which starts in Term 2. For more info and to register, please click here: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewf...


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