Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 10

A message from the Principal

We have enjoyed an absolutely fabulous day today.  Next week, all students will be working from home. Work has been provided by their teachers.  From Thursday, students can enjoy two weeks off.  We are all looking forward to reconnecting next term and having our timetable run in a more usual way.  Senior students will have a fresh start to their learning at the start of the term with a new set of internals in all of their subjects

Winter Sport Registrations

If you would like to play Winter Sports for HGHS in 2022, you MUST complete the following steps for the relevant sport as soon as possible. All sports fees must be paid by Term 2.

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS badminton form by Monday 11 April: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...
STEP 2) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Badminton website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS basketball registration form by Wednesday 20 April: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...
STEP 2) Complete the Basketball Hawkes Bay / Basketball New Zealand registration form by Friday 15 April: https://membership.mygameday.a...
STEP 3) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Basketball website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS football registration form by Friday 15 April: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...
STEP 2) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Football website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS hockey registration form by Friday 15 April: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...
STEP 2) Complete the Hawkes Bay Hockey registration form by Friday 15 April: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewf...
STEP 3) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Hockey website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS netball registration form by Friday 15 April: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...
STEP 2) Complete the Hawkes Bay Netball registration form by Friday 15 April: https://www.sporty.co.nz/hasti...
STEP 3) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Netball website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

STEP 1) Complete the HGHS rugby registration form by Term 2: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...
STEP 2) Complete the Hawkes Bay Rugby Union registration form by Term 2: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewf...
STEP 3) Familiarize yourself with the HGHS Rugby website: https://www.hastingsgirls.com/sport-rugby/

Sports Grant

Thanks to our friends at Apollo Projects, we have a grant available for students to apply for financial assistance with sports fees. The sports committee will make a decision based on the reasons outlined in the application. Please note your application will be anonymous. Click here to register: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

Sports Volunteers

With winter sports just around the corner, we are in urgent need of more netball coaches, scorers and umpires. If you'd like to assist with any of these, please complete the expression of interest link below: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

Upcoming Sports

Tuesday 5 April
Hockey 1st XI pre-season game
HGHS vs HNHS @ 5.45pm (approx) at Sports Park

Wednesday 13 April
Senior volleyball finals at Pettigrew Green Arena (Division 1 Senior A & Division 2 Senior B games). Final draw will be confirmed closer to the time. We hope to livestream the Senior A Division 1 Finals game on Wednesday night on the Hastings Girls High School facebook page.


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