Rangatahi Pānui

Term Three Week 7

Academic Support for Seniors Moving Forward

Please have a read over the attached document which outlines how we will be supporting senior ākonga moving forward. Students who are showing signs of falling into the "Group 1" category will be contacted and invited in to meet with us over the next few weeks. Every day counts - seniors can still make significant gains before study leave kicks off next term!

Homework Club

The Library will be open as a study space for students on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 3.20pm until 4.30pm.

Performing Arts Festival

The Hastings Girls' High School community are thrilled to hold our first Performing Arts Festival at Toitoi on Wednesday 14 September at 6pm.  After two years of disruption, we will celebrate together as 'our girl' takes centre stage, showcasing a range of performing arts; a space where they will stand firm in their identity, where their culture will shine. Tickets have now sold out, however, we will be live streaming the event on our Facebook page.

HGHS Senior Ball

Our Year 12 and Year 13 Students are invited to attend our Senior Ball on Thursday 29 September.  If you are a Senior Student and would like to attend please complete this form asap, as limited spaces are now available.


Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week

As a celebration of Aotearoa New Zealand’s indigenous language, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori holds great significance. This year sees the 50th anniversary of the Māori Language petition which asked for active recognition of te reo Māori in Aotearoa and for the language to be taught in schools.

Next week we will be celebrating by:

Monday: Hui ā Kura 

Tuesday: Movie Day Dead Lands (Room 24)

Wednesday: Performing Arts Festival 

Thursday: House Kahoot Wero at lunch - HALL

Friday: Hākari - Fry Bread, Mussel Chowder served outside of Te Rourou at lunchtime & Kēmu Māori on the fields

Upcoming Sports

Monday 12 September
Touch trials on the HGHS fields
3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 13 September
Ki O Rahi trials on the HGHS Ki O Rahi field
3.30pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 20 September
Volleyball trials in the HGHS gym
3.30pm - 4.30pm

Friday 23 September
Volleyball trials in the HGHS gym
3.30pm - 4.30pm

Note: Term 4 sports teams will be confirmed by the end of Term 3. All permission slips and fees must be paid by the end of Term 3, prior to the season starting in Term 4. Any questions at all please contact our Director of Sports: sport@hastingsgirls.com

Important Dates

Monday 12-18 September - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
Wednesday 14 September - Performing Arts Festival
Wednesday 21 September - Blossom Festival Concert
Monday 26-30 September - Tuvalu Language Week
Monday 26 September - NCEA me te Whānau workshop
Thursday 29 September - Senior Ball
Friday 30 September -  Senior Reports Issued
Friday 30 September - Term 3 ends


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