Rangatahi Pānui

Instructions for Weeks 4 & 5

- You must attend all your time-tabled classes and Ākina Time each day until your dean has signed you out.
- You may not leave class in search of your Dean or another subject teacher during lesson time, even if you finish the mahi for that subject. Work quietly on another subject until interval, lunch or the end of school before searching for a teacher.
- The Common Room will be locked for the remainder of the year - Your "Ticket to Study Leave" booklet must be signed by all of your teachers (i.e. every outstanding standard needs to be signed off) before you come to the Deans.
- If you have an exam, you are expected to be in class either before or after the exam. I.e. between 8.35 am and 3.15 pm, you are either in an exam or in your time-tabled class.

Instructions for Weeks 4 & 5

 You may attend your time tabled classes or a prearranged workshop during Week 4 and 5 if you choose to, but you must sign in and out at the Student Centre.
- The Library is the only quiet study space in the school and is reserved for students who are in Group 4 only.
- No group work is allowed - if you are in the library, you are studying in silence.


All senior laptops are due back to Mr. Pera / your Dean as soon as you have completed your last exam/assessment, by 1 December at the latest. If your device has been damaged, there is no charge, but please bring it in so that we can repair it ASAP.

Group Photos

If you are wanting to order Ākina or Teams photos they will be displayed in the Student Centre. These are $10 each and can be paid for at the Student Centre.

Paid Union Meeting - Early Finish December 2nd

Due to PPTA calling a Paid Union Meeting school will be finishing at 12.35pm on December 2nd. Examinations will continue as usual for senior students. Junior classes will finish at lunchtime. Lunch will be available for students for collection before they leave for home. The Flaxmere bus will be leaving early. All other buses will leave at their usual time.

Sports Achievement Submission 2022

Please complete the link below if you wish to submit information about a student's sporting achievements throughout 2022. This will assist the HGHS Sports Department with selecting the recipients for the major sports awards. This may be for both individual and team/representative sports and the information assists Hastings Girls' High School in recognizing and celebrating student achievements.

Click here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...;

Upcoming Sports

Monday 7 November
- Junior Volleyball training 3.30pm - 4.30pm in big gym

Wednesday 9 November

- Junior Netball TRIALS at lunch time for the Sports Exchange with Gisborne Girls'
note: all netball girls to be in their gear ready for trials at the beginning of lunch time. The final Junior Netball team will be announced on the school notices on Thursday 10 November.

Wednesday 9 November

- Waka Ama training at Clive River after school

Wednesday 9 November

Junior Volleyball at Pettigrew Green Arena
- HGHS Jnr A vs KHS Jnr A @ 6.10pm (Court 8)
- KHS Jnr A vs NGHS Jnr A @ 7.20pm (Court 9) = HGHS Jnr A on duty
- HGHS Jnr B vs NGHS Jnr B @ 6.10pm (Court 16)
- HGHS Jnr C vs NGHS 9A @ 5.10pm (Court 9)

Thursday 10 November

Senior Touch at Sports Park at 5.45pm

Friday 11 November

Ki o Rahi at Karamu High School
Note: draw will be confirmed closer to the time

Saturday 12 November

Waka Ama training at Clive River in the morning

Monday 14 November

- Sports Exchange with Gisborne Girls' High School
Note: this is an annual Junior (Yr9 & Yr10) sports exchange and we are competing in 3 sports: netball, touch & volleyball. Each year we alternate the location of the exchange, and in 2022 it is held at Gisborne Girls' High School.

Any questions regarding sports please contact our Director of Sport: sport@hastingsgirls.com

Important Dates

21 November - Teacher Only Day - ACCORD DAY
22 November - Junior School Beach Walk (8.35am - 3.00pm
28 November - Teacher Only Day - Accord
1 December - Senior Prizegiving
9 December - Junior Prizegiving
12 December - Last day of term


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