Rangatahi Pānui

Welcome back

We were thrilled to see our students back, and meet all our new students this week.  Thank you to whānau for ensuring the students arrived wearing their uniforms with pride.

We are excited for next week as we get back into the routine of school life.  This year there will be a focus on attendance.  If a student needs to be away from school, please let us know as early as possible.  We have a team of staff closely tracking attendance, if a student has not arrived at school, please expect a phone call or a visit.  We are committed to supporting you in getting our students to school. Please let our attendance officer, or our Deans know if you are facing any challenges in relation to this and we will do our best to help.

We hope that everyone is able to enjoy some sunny weather and enjoy their long Waitangi weekend.

Waitangi Trip 

This year some of our Year 12 and Year 13 Te Reo Māori students are participating in the annual Waitangi Day celebrations in Waitangi. They will be visiting the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Tāne Mahuta, touring Panguru, travelling to Cape Reinga Haerenga and attending the dawn service at Waitangi. It is an exciting opportunity for our students, we know they will do our school proud representing us at Waitangi and look forward to hearing about their trip, when they return next week.  Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for more photos.

Whānau NCEA Workshop

Thursday 9 February



We are excited to be hosting an NCEA me te Whānau Workshop at Hastings Girls’ High School.

The workshop is delivered by NZQA and aims to break down the NCEA system as well as explain how you can support students at school. The workshop will cover:

  • How NCEA works

  • NCEA endorsements and how to get them

  • University Entrance (UE) and how to achieve it

  • Choosing NCEA subjects and creating career pathways

  • The importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) subjects

  • How you can support your tamaiti to succeed

If you think you could benefit from this free workshop or have any NCEA questions you want answered, come along with your whānau.

If you want more information please send us an email at nceametewhanau@nzqa.govt.nz

Facebook Link: https://fb.me/e/3gjX6kBGB

Event details on Facebook

We look forward to seeing you there!

Senior Students Subject Change Requests

Any Level 1, 2 or 3 NCEA students who wish to request a subject change, please email the following staff, with their reasons for the change:

Year 11 and 12 - email their House Deans

Year 13 - Mr Gibbons cg@hastingsgirls.com

After School pick ups

Please pick up students from one of the side roads. We have the drive way chained off at the end of the day to protect the safety of the bus students. Please do not park in the bus bay. Thank you for your understanding and assistance in keeping everyone safe.

Kapa Haka

We have our first scheduled Te Rōpū Manu Huia Kapa Haka practice in Week 2 on Wednesday 8 February from 3.30-5.30pm at HGHS in our small gym.

All ākonga are welcome to join!

Te Rōpū Manu Huia anticipate on participating in the 2023 Regional Kapa Haka whakataetae. Once ākonga make the decision to join Kapa Haka, commitment is fundamental to the success of the rōpū. An attendance roll will be taken at each practice. We will be in touch again soon with information for our first whānau hui for the year. Ākina! Tukua! Any questions please contact Whaea Evelyn Leef, lf@hastingsgirls.com.

Lunch in Schools

We provide lunch to all students, as part of the MOE healthy school lunches programme. Our team work hard to provide a healthy and nutritious lunch each day for our students and as such, although students can pack a lunch of their own choice, parents are not permitted to drop lunches to school, and students are not permitted to have food delivered to school. Morning tea and afternoon tea are not provided.

Gateway Opportunities

Sports Committee 2023

We are looking for more students to join the Sports Committee 2023.

The Sports Committee are the sports leaders at Hastings Girls' High School. This group is selected annually and part of their responsibility is to provide leadership, guidance and support through sports. They will be the student voice in sports and will assist with planning and delivering events at school. If you're interested, please complete the link below. Registrations close Monday 13  February at 12noon.

Click here to apply: Sports Committee Application

Upcoming Sports

Tuesday 7 February
Senior Volleyball trials in HGHS big gym 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Wednesday 8 February
Senior Volleyball trials in HGHS big gym 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Note: All volleyball students to be ready in time and in their gear

Important Dates

Monday 6 February -  Waitangi Day, school closed
Tuesday 7 February - All Students at school
Wednesday 9 February - NCEA A-Z Workshop
Wednesday 9 February - NCEA Me Te Whānau Workshop
Friday 17 February - L3 Biology Assessment - Mud crab investigation
Monday 20 February - Hub Noho
Monday 20 February - Student Leader Photos
Monday 20 February - Career Navigator (CN) Buy In
Tuesday 21 February - L2 Biology Assessment - Rocky Shore

School Calendar

Keep up to date with all the school activities, by checking the calendar regularly.

Click here to view the HGHS Calendar


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