Year 10 Elective Options

Below are the Electives Year 10 students can choose from in 2024.
Students should select 2 courses that run for the whole year.
Students will be selecting their Hubs and Electives in Ākina time in Week 7 of Term 3.

Sport Science

This course has an emphasis on providing a positive pathway into Level 1 Physical Education.

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the body, both physically and mentally,  and how it functions to improve performance.

Areas we will explore are:

  • Problem solving

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Energy Systems

  • Injury prevention

  • Goal Setting

  • Leadership

  • Nutrition

  • Fitness Testing

  • Mental Preparation

(This course is not for Pathway to the Podium students)

Media Technology

Media Technology is the use of digital technologies to compose, create, produce, deliver and manage media outcomes. You will explore a range of digital media options, and understand your role as a consumer and creator of digital media. You will use cutting edge Adobe software and practise the same skills that are used in industry.


In this course you will explore textile art and fashion by designing and making a range of products. You will develop skills in different textile art techniques such as felting, weaving and macramé as well as using sewing machines, reading patterns and manipulating materials to create new items.

Design and Visual Communication

Design is everywhere. It’s exciting, creative and ever-changing. Every product and space you use has been designed. Design and visual communication focuses on understanding and applying visual communication techniques and design practice to design objects, spaces and systems to improve the way we live. In this course you will learn to use the design process to develop solutions in product and architectural contexts. You will begin to use CAD and CAM systems and use modelling and prototyping techniques and technologies.

Te Reo Māori - Te Puawai

This course is designed for ākonga who are interested in a long-term te reo Māori journey and will prepare them for te ao whānui and NCEA.

Ākonga will explore a range of language structures and features and will engage in te reo Māori through Tuhituhi, Kōrero, Pānui and Whakarongo exercises.

Ākonga will build their confidence to engage in everyday conversations and will participate in formal and informal kaupapa to support their learning.

Te Ao Haka

This course provides a pathway into Level 1 Te Ao Haka. Tauira who are passionate about Māori Performing Arts are encouraged to explore this programme.

Tauira will build a foundation of Whanaungatanga, grow more in confidence when it comes to learning and performing waiata, waiata-ā-ringa and haka.

They will explore and analyse traditional Māori music and composition and how it has changed over time as well as the importance of tikanga, reo Māori and whakapapa.


Year 10 Drama builds the foundation of NCEA Drama where students explore diverse storytelling approaches using the elements of Drama. Students will delve into process and dramatic conventions (e.g. slow motion, freeze frame, split stage, hot seating and writing in role), production technologies (lighting, sound, props, makeup, costumes, set) to bring characters and stories to life. Through body, voice, movement and use of space, students will showcase independence, creativity, collaboration, and a deeper connection to self, identity, and culture.


This course provides an introduction into studying Music at High School. Students who are passionate about listening, playing and writing music are encouraged to explore this programme. Students will learn the fundamentals of:

  • Basic music literacy

  • Songwriting in groups

  • Guitar skills including reading TAB

  • Digital composition using industry standard software

  • Performing


Year 10 Dance will build the foundations of NCEA Dance where students will foster relationships, embrace personal experiences, and value diverse identities. Students will experience dance as a powerful art form that carves space with the body's movement, infusing it with the artist's essence and energy. In dance students will also be introduced to choreography skills, dance technologies, dance elements and techniques.

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts curriculum is designed for students to explore the visual art disciplines of design, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture, developing their strengths in the process. Visual Arts embraces change and prepares students for a career in the creative world or beyond to craft their career that reinforces their fine motor skills, presentation skills, an eye for aesthetics, creative thinking and to seek solutions to solve problems. Students will experience:

  • A variety of art forms including:
    -  Drawing
    -  Digital art

  • Cultural arts including:
    -  Toi Māori
    -  Pasifika art

  • Visual diary documentation

  • Art analysis

  • Museum/gallery visit or participating in an art exhibition/competition (when opportunity arises)

Year 10 Visual Arts equips students to continue into NCEA Level 1 Visual Arts.


Ākonga will build the foundational knowledge, skills and values needed to navigate and participate as consumers, workers, producers and leaders of the future.

A range of learning experiences will introduce how we make sense of society and solve problems of limited resources, through looking at the big ideas of:

  • Culture and pūtake

  • Decision-making

  • Finances

  • Kaitiakitanga (sustainability)

  • The language of businesses and organisations

  • Innovation and product development

This course is preparation for the new NCEA Level 1 course.

Nutritional Technology

In Nutritional Technology you will learn about the science behind the food we eat. You will look at how food affects our well-being and behaviour, as well as how new food products are developed. You will use the technology process in the creation of food products to meet nutritional requirements and learn to process products in a safe manner.


In this course you will learn about plants. The focus will be on the uses of plants in both traditional and modern society. To understand how plants are important we will look at plant structure, reproduction and propagation. Practical experience in plant propagation and growing and maintaining plants will support our learning.

Gagana Sāmoa

This course is focused on the Sāmoan way of life. This involves the students and their role in their immediate environment. The different aspects of Sāmoan life including history, language, entertainment, culture and art and craft. It also looks at the relationships and effects on the self through different connection.

Students will:

  • Study family life, roles, duties and relationships

  • Compare life in Aotearoa and in Sāmoa

  • Study Sāmoan History, pre-Christianity, post-Christianity, modern days, key events

  • Engage with written and spoken texts in which young people talk about what they enjoy and value about the different areas of their life

  • Study Sāmoan myths and legends

  • Listen to description and presentations of cultural protocol

  • Study existing symbols and pattern for Tatau (Tattoo) and Malu

In relation to Sāmoan young people, language and culture are essential to their educational achievement and identity.

Junior English Language (JEL)

A class for multilingual students who would like support with English grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will also draw upon their heritage language knowledge and cultural knowledge in this class.

Enrolments for this class must be confirmed by Mrs Beatty.


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