Creating art is a fantastic way to stimulate the mind and anyone can do it! Most people believe that you are born with talent, and creating art is limited to the lucky few. This is not so. Good practice
makes good results. Creating art has immense benefits to your wellbeing, artistic skills and your ability to think in very creative and analytical ways. Furthermore, it can influence the way you
think in other subjects. So if you have the urge to embrace your artistic side, come take up Visual Arts with us.  We have a team of experienced Art teachers and artists who will teach you how to draw, how to paint and how to create works of art in visually exciting and unimaginable ways. Art at Hastings Girls’ is not just a privilege for the obviously talented few. We believe in fostering creativity in every student, and our team of experienced Art teachers and practicing artists will give you the tools to embrace your artistic side and learn how to express yourself in novel, visually exciting ways. Creating art stimulates the mind and has immense benefits to your hauora, well-being, and your ability for creative and analytical thinking. These skills serve not only the Development of your artistic talent but inform and improve the way you learn across the curriculum for a holistic education.

Enrichment Opportunities:

Scholarship, art gallery visits, workshops and talks from visiting artists, youth art ambassador programme, competitions.


Our Visual Arts curriculum is designed for everyone to develop their visual awareness and explore their passion and identity whilst learning new skills, developing existing skills and refining technique to achieve goals. You will gain a range of skills that will equip you for life and inform your future pathways and life choices, whether they be artistic or not. The tools and techniques learned in Year 9 & 10 Visual Arts allow you to continue into senior level Visual Arts: Design, Painting, Photography,
Printmaking, Sculpture and Art History.


Our senior curriculum is designed to give students the chance to explore and experience the Visual
Arts disciplines of Design, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture and Art History, developing their strengths in the process. Our Visual Arts curriculum reinforces your fine motor skills, hones presentation skills, develops an eye for aesthetics, and encourages creative thinking  to solve problems and seek solutions. Visual Arts embraces change and prepares you for a career in the creative world or beyond to craft your own career in an evolving workplace with the tools
to navigate digital change and the new jobs, industries and careers it creates. Students in this area regularly achieve to scholarship level. In 2019, a HGHS student achieved the prestigious Top Scholar in New Zealand for Photography.

Mā te kimi ka kite
Mā te kite ka mōhio
Mā te mōhio ka mārama

Seek and discover
Discover and know
Know and become enlightened


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