Rangatahi Pānui

Week 1 Term Four

Senior student progress reports

  • Will be issued at the end of Week 2
New parking signage and restrictions
  • Please note that new parking signage has been placed around the Hastings Girls' High School car park - these signs must be obeyed or vehicles will be clamped/towed.
New Friday times 
  • For the rest of the Term Fridays will start with Akina time at 9.05am, during which time, Seniors will be able to plan their Kahui programme for the day. Juniors will be able to use this time to access the notices and check in with their Akina Coaches regarding the progress they are making towards their learning goals.
  • Block One starts at 9.25am
Year 9 Options 2021 
  • The Year 10 courses are up on the website on the Academic Page.
  • Year 9's please go to the website and read the information about the courses available for you to choose from for next year.  There are three learning hubs available, applications for these are also on the website.
  • If you would like to find out more about specific options and whether they are the right fit for you, find time to speak to an option teacher next week, this will help you with your decision making.
Trades Academic Prize-giving
  • On Wednesday 21 October, Trades students and the whānau will celebrate their achievements at the end of year prizegiving.  If you are attending this please ensure your uniform is looking stunning and have your hair tied up.
Lunch Process for Week 2
  • Monday: All of BLUE HOUSE collecting from the 40s block deck (Te Rourou side)
  • Tuesday: All of GOLD HOUSE collecting from the 40s block deck (at the back, between 30s and 40s blocks)
  • Wednesday: All of PURPLE HOUSE collecting from the 1s block deck (between the 1s and 10s block)
  • Thursday: All of GREEN HOUSE collecting from the 1s block deck (between the 1s and Student Centre)
2020 Student Study Leave Process

Please fill in this form to indicate which working group is best for you.  

  • GROUP 2 - WORKING AT SCHOOL: I still have internals to finish and I need to be in a classroom with a teacher, who is actively supporting me through my work.
  • GROUP 3 - WORKING AT SCHOOL: I still have internals to complete or externals to prepare for.  I would prefer to do so at school in a Kāhui Kaupapa.
  • GROUP 4 - WORKING INDEPENDENTLY STUDY  AT HOME OR AT SCHOOL: I have finished all of my internals. I am ready to study from home if I have externals. I am confident that  if I need support I know how to get it, and that I can pop into school to get help.
Library Hours
  • Remember the Library is open for all students after school for you to continue your learning.
  • Please note that the library will be closed at the start of lunch each day (while you are having your lunch).
Sports and Cultural photos
  • Remember to come prepared for Sports and Cultural photos on Tuesday 20 October.
  • Check the notices for the most up to date information and timetable.
Year 8 Transition
  • Please note that Year 8 Students, starting at HGHS next year, will be here for the Big Day Out on Thursday 12 November.  Let's make them feel very welcome!
  • If you have family or friends who have not yet enrolled , please let them know it's not too late, they can still enrol on our website.
Next HGHS BOT Meeting
  • 5.15pm, next Wednesday 21 October is our monthly Board of Trustees meeting.  
  • Mercy Ili, your newly elected Student Trustee will be attending her first meeting.
Public Holidays
  • Labour and HB anniversary is coming up.
  • There is no school next Friday 23 Oct and the following Monday 26 Oct.
Senior Testimonials 
  • Year 13's remember if you would like to have a character reference the deadline for applying for this reference is Friday 30th October 4pm.

Have a fabulous weekend.


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