Rangitahi Pānui

Term Four Week 4

New Senior Timetable

As of Monday 15 November, all Seniors will need to review the 'Timetable' section of our school website.


2022 Leaders

Congratulations to the 2022 Leaders

  • Head Girl - Mercy Ili
  • Deputy Head Girl  - Georgia Miller
  • Amorangi - Maera Tāhau  Amokura - Mahinarangi Goulton
  • Academic Captain - Mackenzie Varcoe
  • Sports Captain - Mia Hill
  • VPA Captain - Kasharna Edwards
  • Community Liaison Captain - Ahnaliyah Maas
  • Cultural Captain - Miracle Lagaaia
  • Purple House Captain - Mawiyah Uddin
  • Purple House Deputy Peta Heather
  • Blue House Captain - Maoluma Fa'avae
  • Blue House Deputy - Jazmine Greening-Nuku
  • Gold House Captain - Katie Lincoln 
  • Gold House Deputy - Shenei Savage
  • Green House Captain - Leu Matamata
  • Greem House Deputy - Lila Lusiano
  • Student Council Chairperson - Aashmeen Jalaf & Millie Menzies
  • Student Council Secretary - Jamille Alcaraz
  • Student Council Treasurer - Stephanie Robles

Junior Prizegiving and Prize Winners.

All Junior students who are prize winners, and their whānau, have had an email sent this afternoon. As we are at Level 2, our prizegiving will be held outside and is a closed event for students and staff only. Details of the link to watch the prizegiving will be on our facebook page.

Ākina time change

To further support our remaining senior students with their NCEA learning goals, Ākina time will be at the start of each day for the remainder of the year.  During this time senior students will map out their day, setting specific targets.  As senior students achieve their learning goal, they may be eligible for study leave, which will be confirmed via an email from Deputy Principal Christian Pera.

Face Coverings

Reminder -  All visitors coming into the school office or Student Centre must wear a mask at all times.

Study Leave

Some seniors have received a letter from the school informing them they are eligible for study leave starting 15 November.

These students can study from home.  If they would like to come into school to either study in one of our designated study spaces or attend a tutorial they are required to sign in and out of the Student Centre and wear full, correct uniform.

Senior Catch Ups, revision classes and study

The library is open every day as a quiet space for senior students to do revision or work on internals. All catch up and external classes will be communicated via the website and in the Pānui each week. There is a link here  to the full schedule for Seniors.

Vaccination Status

From 1 November , schools are required to gather vaccination status from all students over 12 years, this includes having a record of non vaccinated students.  Please enter your students vaccination status by following the link here.


Laptop Returns

Junior laptops are due for return to the Library either before or on 17 November, Block 3. Senior laptops due by 14 December.  Please bring your laptop charger when you hand in your laptop.


We have installed two fridges (Student Centre and Tech Block area).  Each day at the end of lunch service our lunch team will place any excess lunches in the fridges.  Students are encouraged to help themselves to whatever they need before leaving for the day.

Assessment Results Publication

Students sitting any NCEA 2021 end of year exam will be able to use their Learner Login details to access their marked digital or scanned paper exams online.  Students can view their marked answers online until the end of June each year.

Are you writing a digital exam? E.g. Health

"Remember that you will be required to use your OWN DEVICE (or a school one which you are borrowing) - go through this checklist to make sure that you are properly set up:

Learning Recognition Credits

When results are released, students will be able to use their student login to see how many Learning Recognition Credits they have earned. There will be regular calculations to include any additional or late results received until the end of the 2021 academic year.

Exceptions - physically submitted portfolios and NZ Scholarship Exams

The following assessments will continue to be marked by hand and returned to students in the mail: 
• NZ Scholarship exam answer booklets 
• Level 3 and NZ Scholarship Visual Arts portfolios The following assessments will continue to be marked by hand and returned to schools by courier: 
• Design and Visual Communication portfolios and Technology folders

Sports Awards

Congratulations to all the sports award recipients (see award recipients attached). The certificates for these awards were handed out in Akina class. Please note the top sports awards will be awarded at the Junior & Senior Prize Giving events.

Ākina Colour Shemozzle

On Friday 19 November we have our Ākina Colour Shemozzle event. This is one of the highlights of the year at HGHS and is for both junior & senior students. Some of the key purposes of this event is to create a fun environment with positive memories. The event will include a live DJ, colour throwing, water slides, various obstacles, colour slime and plenty of fun activities.

What students need to know:

  • Students must attend Ākina class in the morning.
  • The event starts Block 1 and will conclude by 2pm (students can go home after the event).
  • Students can wear their white Shemozzle outfit or house colours to school. We recommend wearing white clothing to easily see the colour powder/slime.
  • House points up for grabs based on number of participation from each house.
  • We recommend students wear running shoes to prevent hurting your feet, etc.
  • Bring a water bottle with your name on it so you can refill & keep hydrated.
  • Dedicated first aider will be onsite.
  • Spot prizes to be awarded including best dressed, team spirit, tidiest house at the end of the day
  • Juicies/moosies will be on sale.
PS. Senior students on study leave are more than welcome to participate in this event if they wish.

Netball Umpire Opportunity

Do you want to become a Netball Umpire? Do you want to be involved or give back to HGHS netball through being an umpire? HGHS netball teams are always looking for umpires when we the netball season is up and running.

Hawkes Bay Netball are running a 'Learn to Umpire Workshop' which is open to anyone in the community. Now (during the off-season) is the right time to up skill and develop your umpiring skills ahead of the 2022 netball season. This is the perfect workshop for you if you are wanting to learn more about the rules of the game and gain your qualification. A two-night workshop that will include theory and practical work and a brand new whistle to put to good use! Get in quick as spaces are limited!

Date: Monday 29th & Tuesday 30th November (practical)
Cost: $10 registration & keep your whistle
Time: 6pm - 7.30pm
Venue: Mitre10 Sports Park, HBN Community Room

Learn all there is to know about umpiring, register through this link: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/156576

Key Dates

  • 15 November - Senior Study Leave Begins
  • 17 November - Junior Prizegiving Rehearsal 
  • 18 November - Junior Prizegiving this will be live streamed for whānau 9am-10.30am students can go home afterwards.
  • 19 November - Ākina Colour Shemozzle
  • 23 November - Teacher Only Day 



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