Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 1

Since moving into the RED Light we have been working on a plan to best prepare our girls for when Omicron takes hold in Hawke's Bay.  We have decided to establish good systems prior to an outbreak, so that students and staff are aware of and comfortable in using new systems and processes, including reestablishing learning platforms for distance learning, should students and staff need to self isolate for a period of time.  

Once again we have focused our efforts on two areas; learning and hauora.  We have established six zones across the school - to ensure easy tracking and tracing for when we have confirmed cases and to minimise risk of cross infection. 

Students' Hub and Kāhui teachers will be checking in regularly to monitor both learning and overall hauora.   

We know it is important that we remain connected as a school community. Student leaders and staff are working on some creative ways in which this can occur in a safe and fun way. 

We have used advice and guidance from both the MOE and MOH when building our plan.  Please take time to explore the finer details of our plan as outlined below.  As I am sure you will understand, it is rather complex and more information will be added over the coming days / weeks as the national situation unfolds.  

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or ideas to support our plan.  

We wish you and your whānau, wellness, peace and aroha on the journey ahead.

Please go to our website for more information https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...


We have been warned by the Ministry that at some stage buses may be interrupted. They do not have a large pool of relief drivers. Unfortunately there will be little or no warning.  The bus may just not arrive.  Apologies  in advance.  Tranzit (Nimons) will do their best to keep buses running.

Student ID Photos

On Tuesday 8 February, Year 9 and all other new students, will have their ID photos taken.  

Please make sure you have immaculate uniform & hair tied back. 

Year 13 Students

All Year 13 students please note that you need to stay on site at lunch time. This will be reviewed as soon as possible.

The reasons for this are as follows: 

  1. Maintain zone integrity 
  2. Juniors will be looking at you to set the standard. 
  3. We are looking to you to provide the Tuakana Teina (Big sister little sister). Staff really appreciate this effort.

The Māori Education Trust 2022 Scholarship Programme

The Māori Education Trust 2022 Scholarship Programme is open and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria. 

Here is the link to register for the online application  https://ebsontrackprospect-met...

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 04 586 7971, text: 027 449 1394, email: info@maorieducation.org.nz or visit our website https://maorieducation.org.nz/


Please remember to regularly review the information found on our COVID Plan webpage, for all the latest updates.


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