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Rangatahi Pānui

In preparation for the changes to NCEA next year, this coming Monday will be a Teachers Only Day.The NCEA exam timetable will continue as normal....

November 10, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Good luck to all of our Senior Students writing exams over the next few weeks!It is important that students know when their exams are, arrive 30 minutes before the start of the exam and have their Exam Admission Slip with them (Mr Pera has these if you did not get them from your Ākina Coach).Students are to meet each day in the outside area between the 20s and 30s Blocks or in the Hall foyer if it's raining.Please contact Mr Pera ( if you have any issues or concerns or thin...

November 2, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Due to the Senior Prizegiving being held on the evening of Tuesday 31 October, school will finish at the end of Block 2. Prize winners may wear mufti to school on Tuesday to preserve their uniforms for the evening. It's also really important for all prize winners to attend the rehearsal on Tuesday during Block 2 in the Hall. Prize winners need to meet the Deans at the following venues at 6pm;Library - Level 1 & Level 2Room 35 - Level 3Doors open at 6pm and the prizegiving will begin at 6.30p...

October 26, 2023

Ākina Badge Assembly Photos


October 24, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

This weekend is Labour Weekend and Hawke's Bay Anniversary. School will be closed Friday 20 October and Monday 23 October. Have a safe and happy long weekend....

October 18, 2023

Term Four Week 1

We invite all students and whānau to attend our Assembly on Monday as we will be announcing our 2024 Student Leaders and award students with their Ākina Badges. The Assembly starts at 10.15am and should be finished by 10.45am....

October 13, 2023

Term Three Week 9

Throughout the process of this journey alongside the school, our wider community, ākonga, staff members, and our Māori Council, this has been a great experience that we have had the opportunity, pleasure, and honour of leading. We have been lucky enough to be able to help in striving for a reo Māori/mana ōrite ingoa for our kura which plays a huge part in the revitalisation and normalisation of te reo Māori. Our school has changed throughout the years. It has evolved into a culturally diver...

September 15, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Tēnā Koutou KatoaWe are holding a special Hui-ā-Kura on Monday, 9.50-10.40am for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori in the Hall followed by the Flag Raising ceremony. Whānau are more than welcome to attend....

September 8, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Thursday 7 September3.30-7.30pmHGHS HallSchool finish time: 2.30pm Username: AkinahuiAdmin Password: cpT2022!Please prioritise making a booking with your student's Ākina Coach to discuss academic progress and academic plan for the remainder of the year....

September 1, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

We appreciate everyone's efforts to make sure students are wearing the correct uniform. Unfortunately, they are still choosing to wear incorrect footwear. As a reminder, students are expected to wear roman sandals or black school shoes and school socks. Our uniform looks amazing when it is worn well. Thank you for your continued support....

August 24, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

A huge THANK YOU to whānau for coming along to last night's Fiafia performances.  Please keep an eye on next week's pānui for photos.  ...

August 18, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

In Week 6 during Benchmark Exams students are expected to be at school all week. We ask that all students in Year 11, 12 or 13 please complete the form below to choose which space they would prefer to study in when they are not writing an exam. Students must be at school, even when you do not have an exam scheduled. We will do our best to ensure that specialist teachers are in these spaces to help you with your mahi.Link to Preferred Study Class...

August 10, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

During Weeks 4 and 5 senior students will be having learning conversations with their Ākina Coach. These conversations will be about how students are progressing towards their learning goals for the year and making a plan to ensure they achieve these goals. It is important for students to engage and be honest about their progress in these conversations. These conversations will be noted and emailed to whānau at the end of week 5....

August 4, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

In preparation for Open Evening being held on Monday 31 July the school day will end at 2.30pm to allow those involved to set up.  The Flaxmere bus will be here at 2.30pm; all other buses will leave at normal times....

July 28, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

We are pleased to announce that the new date for Fiafia is now Thursday 17 August....

July 21, 2023

Term Two Week 10

Academic - Two $500 scholarships availableThe Academic Scholarship for commitment to learning and being the best that you can be. The scholarship is for uniform or extracurricular activities.Performing Arts - Two $500 scholarships availableThe Performing Arts Scholarship for commitment to cultural activities which includes commitment to being involved in your own culture and contributing to the sharing of this. The scholarship is for uniform or extracurricular activities.Sports - Two $500 schola...

June 30, 2023

Term Two Week 9

Whānau are invited to attend this year's Performing Arts Festival on Monday and Thursday nights this coming week. The performers have all been sent a link for their families to get tickets to their shows. Keep an eye on our Facebook page on the day of the show for additional tickets....

June 23, 2023

Term Two Week 8

PPTA Industrial Action will continue next week. The following year levels will be rostered home:Monday 19 June - Year 9 & 10Tuesday 20 June - Year 11 & 12Wednesday 21 June - Year 9, 10 &13Thursday 22 June - Year 11Thank you for your ongoing support....

June 16, 2023

Term Two Week 7

PPTA Strike Action will continue next week. The following year levels will be rostered home. Monday 12 June - Year 11 & 12Tuesday 13 June - Year 9 & 13Wednesday 14 June - Year 11Thursday 15 June - Year 12 & 13We are still confirming what day Year 10 will be rostered home and will communicate this on Monday.Thank you for your ongoing support....

June 9, 2023

Term Two Week 6

School will be closed for King's Birthday, Monday 5 June.  Enjoy your long weekend....

June 2, 2023

Term Two Week 5

Correct uniform is required at all times. Can we please remind you that our footwear is either Roman sandals or black school shoes. Please ensure students are wearing our school jersey or cardigan. It is important to our school and our community that students wear the uniform with pride.Hoodies, slides, birkenstocks and all other non-uniform items are not to be worn to school. Please ensure when students leave home for school that they are in the correct uniform.When going on a trip our students...

May 26, 2023

Term Two Week 4

Thank you to students and staff who came in support of Pink Shirt Day - we raised almost $250 for The Mental Health Organisation. Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora!Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!...

May 18, 2023

Term Two Week 3

The Senior Progress Hui on Thursday 18 May from 4-7pm in the School Hall is an opportunity for you to meet student's teachers and discuss their progress.You can book a hui time at with event code – "wncae" or by calling the school office on (06) 873 1133. In addition to teachers, there will also be the Pasifika Lead Coordinator, Mereani Rokodreu-Paodi, Christian Pera and Rob Orr who can offer NCEA advice....

May 11, 2023

Term Two Week 2

Due to Strike Action, the following year groups are rostered home next week:Tuesday 9 May - Year 12Wednesday 10 May - Whole School Thursday 11 May - Year 13 Tuesday 16 May - Year 9Wednesday 17 May - Year 10Our school library will be available for students to study....

May 4, 2023

Term Two Week 1

The Secondary Teachers' Union PPTA is continuing industrial action in Term 2. This will impact our school community with rostering home of students in year groups starting on specific days.This will mean that on the below dates students won't be at school. This does not impact extracurricular activities such as cultural groups and sport on these days that occur outside of normal school hours:Thursday 4 May - Year 11s are rostered homeTuesday 9 May - Year 12s are rostered homeWednesday 10 May - F...

April 27, 2023 Posts 26-50 of 269 | Page prev next

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